"Thank you." Heather thanked which made Y/n grin, she went around to the otherside grabbing her keys and closing her door, she locked the car and the two headed inside. Y/n paid for popcorn and the tickets as Heather sat by the stairs to go upstairs waiting on Y/n. She walked over once she was done and the two sat there for a few minutes till they could go over to the guy who would allow them in.

*Skip during the movie*

Heather was hanging on Y/n's arm scared as she didn't mind scary movies since she loved the thrill of being scared as Y/n watched blankly, face furrowed trying to pick up pieces as over observed every single thing.

"What is going on?" Y/n asked confused as she tilted her head slightly, Heather's grip tightened which made Y/n turn to her. "Are you actually scared-?"

"Shush." Heather said moving her head back into the chair as she tried to listen, there was a small jumpscare that made Heather jump onto Y/n as she didn't like it.

"Hey, it's okay, Heather..." Y/n whispered to her placing her hand on her thigh and kissing her cheek, she moved hair away from the left side of her neck and placed soft kisses while watching trying to calm Heather down.

"Can we watch another movie after this?" Heather whispered into her ear, Y/n nodded her head.

"Yeah, my treat." Y/n whispered to her, Heather blushed at this as Y/n truly did spoil her and she truly loved it but felt bad as she would always try to pay Y/n back but she would put it back without her noticing. "You're doing well, love. We're like... half way through." Y/n assured her which made Heather turn to her.

"I thought this was your first time watching this?" Heather questioned confused, Y/n showed her the watch she was wearing.

"It's a 1 hour and 52 minute film. I think we're like 50 minutes in." Y/n explained which made Heather look at her surprised.

"Excuse me? It feels like two hours-"

"Heather, I know your scared. But you're already over halfway. You've just got another 56 minutes and then we can watch whatever movie you want." Y/n assured.

"Fine. As long as I'm staying here." Heather huffed out, Y/n snickered at this and placed a kiss on her neck then shoulder.

"Whatever you want." Y/n mumbled in response. They continued to watch the film.

*Skip to when the film's done*

They head out the theatre room, Y/n smiling widely and Heather looking unhappy about it. They both turned to each other and Y/n immediately stopped smiling and shook her head.

"Not gonna lie, kind of an anti-climatic ending." Y/n hummed out as she shrugged lightly,

"I'm never going to the movies with you again." Heather huffed out.

"Hey! I'm paying for our next movie, come on. It wasn't that bad-"

"It wasn't that bad?" Heather reiterated. "It wasn't that bad? It was bad! It scared the shit outta me." Heather complained,

"It was a little funny- I'll shut up. Look here's the money, go buy the tickets for whatever movie you want to go see." Y/n said and placed 10 dollars in her hands, she walked off and walked tiredly over to the counter, got tickets and walked back with a small grin on her face, Y/n groaned already knowing that she was already going to hate it. "Ugh, what movie are we going to see?" Y/n asked.

"You'll see." Heather grinned out with a smile, placing a kiss on Y/n's cheek. "I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be back." She said before rushing off to the toilet, Y/n groaned noticing that she took the tickets with her. She rolled her eyes and sat herself down on the stairs. Heather came back a few minutes later drying her hands and then putting the tissues in the bin; some guy went up to her and they started to talk more and more.

Y/n was getting bored of watching so, she went over but Heather met her half way, Y/n was about to speak but before she could Heather placed her hand on Y/n's waist and kissed her, Y/n kissed her back and smiled pulling her further in. Pulling Heather in by her lower waist using her middle finger and index finger to lift her chin up slightly which made Heather blush.

When they pulled away, Y/n noticed Heather's blush and smile.

"You okay?" Y/n asked and glanced up to see Ray Hall watching bitterly. Y/n looked down at Heather with a small grin, "Okay. I can get why you did that." She said moving her arm around her, Heather grinned and the two sat down on the stairs waiting half an hour for the movie to start; most of the 30 minutes was Y/n trying to guess the movie that was playing yet she wasn't allowed to use her phone to see what movie it could possibly be.

After the 30 minutes, they headed to the screen room and Heather directed them to their seats. They sat down right up at the back and on the far right, Y/n being at the wall and Heather on the second last chair. After a few minutes of adverts, the movie started and as soon as Y/n saw the title, she immediately stood up.


"Down." Heather pointed down at the chair, Y/n sighed and sat down.

*Skip to after the movie*

The two leave, Heather now smiling widely as Y/n looked stunned, keeping her eyes at the floor. 

"That was so good-"

"I feel like I just watched Vanilla 50 Shades." Y/n commented making Heather laugh,

"It wasn't that bad." Heather mimicked.

"Everyone was making out most of the movie! What do you mean?" Y/n complained.

"I'm shocked we didn't." Heather snickered out, Y/n stopped walking and stared her down as Heather continued to walk. She huffed and rolled her eyes, she snuck up behind Heather and picked her up spinning around before setting her down again as Heather let out a small squeal. "What's next?" Heather questioned.

"What? We're not gonna go make-out?" Y/n complained.

"Oh my god, I was joking." Heather laughed out as she turned to Y/n who was already looking at her with her mouth slightly open in shock and her face slightly furrowed.

"Wha- why would you joke about such a thing?" Y/n asked making Heather laugh, she placed a kiss on Y/n's cheek and held her hand, Y/n held hers as the two walked back to Y/n's car.

Once they got in, Y/n drove to her house as they still had an hour till school was done and Y/n's dad wasn't going to be home any time soon. Once they arrive at Y/n's house, she closes the door and feels herself getting pulled, once she turns to Heather; she sees her pulling her in for a kiss. Y/n smiled at this and dumped her keys on the counter near the door. She placed her hand on Heather's cheek while the under slid underneath her t-shirt pulling her further in. Y/n pulled away from the kiss and Heather immediately went to her neck to make her mark, Y/n chuckled.

"Someone's eager." Y/n snickered out before picking her up and taking her upstairs.


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