And this moment was ending.

So the awkward laughing wasn't just a way of recovering from George's bad joke, it was more than that.

It was Sapnap trying to shake the thoughts of Karl from his mind, it was Quackity trying to enjoy the bittersweet moment, it was Dream looking at George's smile a little longer than he should, it was George - holding back the tears he could feel forming behind his eyelids.

Because that's all that evening was, bittersweet.

So they ate their pizza, with little conversation scattered amongst bites, limited talking. Not saying much because the only thing any of them could think about saying was to do with them leaving.

And that's pretty much what the rest of the night was. A film on the tv, the first film that had been watched in complete silence that whole holiday.

Sapnap, Quackity saying goodnight, the four of them parting ways on the landing into their separate rooms, for the last time.

"Night Guys" Dream shouted, before pushing his door shut, George already in bed.

Dream took of his shirt and shorts, and threw them lazily into the corner of the room somewhere, before clambering under the duvet next to him.

And much like the evening spent shortly beforehand, the two lay in silence. The sound of each others breathing, the movement of one another's chests against each other - that was enough.

"George," began Dream, breaking the painfully peaceful silence, "Do you regret any of this?"
"What do you mean?" asked the brunette, tucked perfectly into the chest of the blonde.
"Do you regret, moving so quickly, going so fast?"

George paused for a second.

"Not for a second. Why, do you?"

Dream inhaled shortly.

"Wouldn't change it for the world."

So George fell asleep soon after, as Dream stayed awake, with the full knowledge that if he did get any sleep tonight it would be minimum an hour, disrupted.

Instead, he lay awake, reminiscing in a bubble of self pity and sadness, but joy and excitement and anger at the world for not bringing George to him sooner. In other words, he lay awake, feeling every emotion under the sun.

He lay, knowing that for the coming weeks he would fluff the cushions on his bed every time he woke up, because George's habits had already rubbed off on him.

Knowing that next time his hair was scuffed, he'd have to use a mirror to fix it rather than letting George's hands miraculously make the dirty blonde strands perfect once more.

He lay awake thinking of months in the future, the butterflies in his stomach when George arrives once more, with so much more luggage and so much more love than ever before. When he arrives to stay.

He thinks of christmases the three of them will spend together, and George's first thanksgiving.

He thinks of Karl and Quackity, coming back over for a friends giving, the five of them spending as much time as they can together in the future.

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