CH. 31 Santa Down!

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Unlike it had been planned, Maddie and I didn't continue watching Christmas movies. Not because of me. I would have loved to but Maddie still wasn't home. She texted me here and there, letting me know that she was almost home. By now, I had given up on waiting. I was tired.

Replying to Amber's text, I laid on my stomach in my bed. My phone vibrated and I was impressed by how quickly she replied. Oh but it wasn't here. Marisa texted back instead. Since this afternoon, she had been texting me. We talked about nonsense really. About anything and everything. Got to admit, it got me through the afternoon. Talking to her was refreshing.

Behind me, I heard my bedroom open. Expecting Maddie to come in, I placed my phone under the pillow. A weight was felt come on my bed. Maddie crawled over to lay on my back. Playfully, she bit my shoulder.

"Whoa there, tiger," I giggled.

"Sorry I'm late," she nibbled on my earlobe, sending chills down my spine. "I got caught up taking photographs at the woods," she excused.

"It's okay," I brushed off. "It's not like you have to spend every minute of the day with me."

"Mmm, what did I do to deserve such an understanding girlfriend?" her lips moved on to nibble on my neck. In that moment, I heard my phone vibrate under my pillow. "You got a text," even Maddie heard it. She looked up from my neck, "You're not going to check it?"

"Yeah," I pulled my phone out from underneath my pillow. Marisa again. Clearing her throat, Maddie rolled off me. "You're mad, huh?" my palms started to sweat.

"Why is she texting you?" her eyebrows connected.

"Because we saw each other at the mall today," I answered truthfully.

In anger, her eyebrows raised, "You mean you met up with her there?" she questioned.

Immediately, I shook my head no in clarification. "I bumped into her there." I ran my hand through my hair as I flipped over to lay on my side to face Maddie. "Babe, it's not like I planned it, it just happened," I elaborated to make sure that she understood it. Her silence scared me. "Are you not going to say anything?" my heart beaten so fast. On the bright side, she was still in my bed.

"What did you guys talk about?" her voice sounded on edge.

"Christmas presents and you," I replied.

Surprised, her eyes met mine, "About me?" I nodded. "Like?" she motioned for me to elaborate. "Did you talk shit about me?" she assumed.

I chuckled, "I told her that you're my girlfriend." In shock, her eyes widened. "She knows now," I leaned over to peck her lips.

"I'm still not comfortable with you talking to her," she stated her discomfort. "She's your ex-"

I cut her off, "She's not," I corrected. "I admit, we sort of had a thing but she was confused," I explained. "But that was back then. Things have changed between us and now we can actually be just friends." Skeptical of it, she sighed heavily. Tilting my head to the side, I scolded her, "You don't trust me?"

"I do," she claimed. "But that doesn't mean that she won't try something," she accused.

"She's not that kind of girl!" I defended. "She understands that I'm with you," I reassured. "Marisa does not want to be with me!" I stated. Ready to argue, Maddie opened her mouth. "I already know what you're going to say," I spoke ahead. "That she likes me," I finished for her. "She cares about me, yes, she has admitted to that but that's it," I stated. "I was there for her when her ex and her broke up, so yes, we appreciate each other."

"I don't know, I don't like it," her stubbornness blinded her. "How would you like it if I was texting and hanging out with Cyn?" she brought her into the mix.

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