CH. 2 Bad Appetite

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When I arrived home, my mom came rushing out of the kitchen, wanting to know all about my school day. I was definitely not planning on telling her about my date with Christina. She would've just made a big deal about it. She would've gotten too excited about it.

I did inform her that I was not having dinner here. I had to lie to her by telling her that I was going to a friend's house. My mom didn't question anything. She believed me completely.

Well, the date was in four hours. I decided to go into the shower. The shower lasted about forthy-five minutes. I felt fresh when I came out. I brushed my teeth. Blow dried my hair and curled it. The curls came out beautiful and bouncy, just how I liked them.

I wore a white high-low top and black jeans. Nothing could go wrong with my comfortable and black flats. I did my make-up and I was set.

By the time I was finished, it was time to go. I said goodbye to my nosey mother. She noticed that I was looking all dressed up and happy. It made her wonder where I was really going. No matter what, I didn't give in and continued with my lie. I hurried out the door and into my car.

That was a close one.

Olive Garden wasn't that far from my house but it took me about twenty minutes to get there because of the traffic on the freeway. I was actually running a bit late and I was feeling embarrassed. I hoped that Christina wouldn't think I was standing her up.

As soon as the road was clear, I drove fast to the restaurant. Luckily, it didn't take anymore time. Since it was dinner time, the place was packed. It took me some time to find a available parking spot. The only free parking spot was at a different parking lot. I had to have quite a walk from my car to the restaurant.

When I entered the place, there was a long waiting line. People were waiting for their turn and other people were waiting to be helped.

"Tori," I heard Christina's voice. My eyes serched for her and found her right away. "You're here," she almost shouted excitedly. She came over to me, carefully moving through a crowd. "It's almost our turn," she informed.

Oh thank god, she didn't seem upset and thank god that she got helped already. When she reached me, she gave me a quick hug and kissed me on the cheek. We waited patiently, leaning against a wall. There were no more waiting seats, they were all taken by other people.

"I'm sorry for being late," I felt embarrassed.

"That's okay, you look gorgeous," she examined my look.

Wow, she was amazing. So understanding. I loved to hear her call me gorgeous, it made me feel butterflies in my stomach.

I stared into her eyes, "You look even more gorgeous," I returned the compliment. I was smiling like a fool but I didn't care, especially because she was smiling back at me. Someone interrupted us when they cleared their throat. It was the host.

"Your table is ready," she informed us. "This way please," she motioned with her hand then walked ahead of us.

Christina and I followed with giggles.

We were seated at a corner table. That was just perfect, it was somewhat more private. When the host walked away, I felt stupid for still smiling. I couldn't help it! I was on a date with Christina! That made me extremely happy.

"Tori, why are you smiling?" Christina leaned a bit over the table.

"Because I'm dumb," I chuckled.

She laughed slightly. "You're so cute," she played with her hair.

Aww, she called me cute I thought. I just loved it. I wanted to ask her how she really felt about me but I didn't want to freak her out. I was gonna have to put that question on hold for a while. We looked through our menus, hmm, everything looked so good. I was looking through the menu with the pictures. I hated reading so instead I looked at the pictures.

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