CH. 6 Sissies

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Homework was always a headache. Especially early in the morning. Calculus homework was a pain in the ass. I had no patience for it this morning but if I wanted to get into a good school, I had to keep my grades up. In all seriousness, I could not afford to slack now. A 3.6 GPA did not permit it. I already slacked enough by not studying all that much for my previous test. Hopefully it wouldn't affect me as much.

I scribbled off a mistake from the scratch paper. Most of the time, I worked out the problems on a different sheet of paper and then transferred it onto a clean one. Just to keep my work organized and neat. Believe it or not, teachers appreciated it and I think even gave extra points for it.

Unlike me, Amber's work was all over the place. Hard to read. Probably that's why she kept it all messy. So the teacher wouldn't catch her mistakes so easily. According to her, as long as the correct answer was there then nothing else mattered. True but that only applies if the answers aren't being copied from someone else.

I don't know man, that was her strategy. It seemed to work for her so far.

"You smell like pizza," Amber teased, taking a sniff.

I chuckled, "Liar," I bumped her shoulder since she was sitting right next to me at the cafeteria table. Last night when I got home, I took a forty minute shower to make sure to get the pizza smell off me. It was all a mixture of salami, pepperoni, sausage, linguica, beef, bell peppers, onions, olives, etc. "I'm so tired," I yawned and put my head down for a little.

"What time did you get home?" Amber asked while making her homework look messier.

"Around twelve," I replied tiredly, miserably failing at keeping my eyes wide open.

Amber gasped, "Why so late?"

I peeked my eyes open, "I clocked out a little past nine-thirty but then went to the movies with my coworkers," I explained.

A smirk appeared on her face as her eyes stopped on something, probably a someone. I looked over and saw through the wall window that allowed us to look out to the bike racks all the way from the cafeteria. Madison had just arrived and was now locking her bike at one of the racks.

"Hmm," was all that came out of Amber.

I joked, "Wouldn't want it to get stolen," I glanced over at Madison and her bike.

"I'd steal it," Amber shrugged. I gave her a look. "What? I like it," she justified. I brushed it off. She continued with the homework, "Tori, it's not like she can hear you, so why throw low blows?"

"It doesn't matter if she hears me or not. I say what I say because I don't like her. It's not like it's just a front and therefore I'm just going to make these comments in front of her," I explained. "I'll make them whether she's present or not."

"Well look who she's walking in with," she pointed behind me to where the entrance of the cafeteria was located. The moment I looked over my shoulder my mouth dropped. With no other than Christina. "While you're over here hating on her awesomely cool bike, she's over there earning points with your crush."

My heart sunk.

"Can you please not exaggerate on the awesomeness of her bike," I requested. "Or of how she's with Christina..." I felt defeated at the moment. "Amber, help me," I pleaded. "I don't know what else to do to make her fall for me."

Amber raised an eyebrow, "I thought you said you were positive that she was into you?"

I bit on my bottom lip, unsure of my own claims. "That's what I thought but I don't know anymore," and that seriously scared me.

"Do you have a special talent?" she asked.

"Huh?" I didn't understand what it had to do with this.

"Learn from Madz," she pointed over. Confident in what she loved to do the most, she snapped pictures of Christina with one of her cameras from home. "She uses her talent to her advantage."

Living With This Idiot (GirlxGirl)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora