CH. 18 Scotty

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This morning, I had Amber pick me up. Right after Maddie left to school on her bike. What happened with the girl at The Slice kept me awake last night. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Better said, with what happened to her. It was truly depressing. What a sick world we lived in.

"So what was her name?" Amber wondered.

I shifted my eyes elsewhere as we walked down the hallway, "I don't know," I hated myself for not asking her last night.

"Well what happened?" she motioned for me to explain everything.

"A friend picked her up and that's about it," anything from there was not to my acknowledge. "I wonder if I'll ever see her again," I hoped for it. "Though, I don't know what difference it'll make, she's clearly straight," I lamented.

"And how do you know that?" She stared at me skeptically.

"Because the guy was her boyfriend," I replied in a duh tone of voice.

Amber snorted, "That doesn't automatically mean that she's straight," she dismissed. "It could also mean that's she's bi or pansexual, you never know," she added.

I sighed, "Either way, it's not about that. I just want to know if she's okay," I clarified.

"Maybe one day you will," Amber gave hope.

The first bell to get to class rung. Hurrying, I stored my textbooks into my locker and only kept the one that I needed. Even on my way to class, I couldn't get the girl out of my head. I had to though, I don't think I'd ever see her again.


I was walking off campus when I heard my name being called. At first it was barely heard so I kept walking but then it became louder. That's when I stopped.

"Yo, Tori!," I turned around and saw Maddie jogging to me. "Wait up, girl."

"Hey," I greeted when she reached me.

"Are you walking home?" she asked while pulling a strand of her own hair behind her ear. "Where's the car?" she looked at all directions, trying to get a glimpse of it. "Where's that little thing at?" she chuckled, still wandering her eyes around.

"At home," I kept walking.

"Wait," she hurried to my side. "So you're walking home?" she wanted to make sure. I nodded. "Shit, well I guess I won't be getting a ride from you, huh," she sounded disappointed. Wait, she wanted a ride? Hmm, she really didn't want to walk. Oh and wait, where was her bike?

"Nope," I emphasised on the pronunciation.

"Awesome," she spoke sarcastically. "Walking with you can't be so bad, can it?" she joked. My eyebrow arched. "I'm just kidding," she bumped her shoulder with mine gently.

"By the way, where's your bike?" I questioned.

"I took it home during lunch to pick up my camera again and Ebony brought me back," she explained. As usual. "Why didn't you bring the car?" she questioned.

"Do you really want to know?" I sighed.

"Answering a question with another question is for dummies," she remarked.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever."

We kept on walking, with quite a pace. Even though I was somewhat fast walking, I wanted to walk slower. Wanted to keep walking by her side, just have her speaking to me. She was great at talking, she could never really stop. I was just listening while she went on and on about random subjects.

Maddie was just about to start off with another topic when we both shouted.

"A puppy!"

There was a dog behind the bushes, trying to escape the branches. Branches that had imprisoned him somehow. I wondered for how long. Maddie and I both went to the dog and tried helping him out. The dog appeared to be frightened, until it realized that we were helping him. I was able to tell that it was a him because... well I got a glimpse of down there.

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