CH. 28 Twist

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People kept coming up to me at school. Everyone wanted more details about what happened on Halloween night. Most of them were disappointed to not hear gruesome ones. The local news broadcasted the horrifying event.


It was all over the news and newspapers.

Authorities said that the clown was an unstable mental man who had been terrorizing young adults in the last two weeks. Apparently every time that the police showed up, he was already long gone by then, and therefore, were unable to arrest him. Up until now of course.

As for Mauricio, he was healing. Fortunately, his cut was not deep. Frank gave him time off to recover. This was a dream come true for him. Attention was given to him all around. Girls filled him with care and affection. Called him a hero. Rewarded him in, erm, well very affectionately.

On the hand, I was left with some fears. I was scared to go out too late at night.

My phone hadn't stopped vibrating. Like I said, everyone was suddenly my best friend. Sad that it was for all the bad reasons. Not because they actually worried for my state of mind.

I came out to the kitchen and grabbed an apple to cut it into slices, "Where's Allen?... and his daughter?" I downplayed it with my mom. Maddie left without telling me anything, so I was curious.

Shaking her head, mom chuckled slightly, "Out handling something," she didn't elaborate.

"Obviously," I sneered sarcastically.

"They should be here any minute now," she assured. "Why are you so worried all of a sudden?" she picked up on it. A smirk formed on her face, "You're concerned for Maddie, aren't you?" she found it amusing.

Offended, I snorted, "No!"

"Tori, I can see it in your eyes," she claimed. "You're my daughter, I know you perfectly. You and her went thought a traumatizing experience together and it's normal for you to feel scared for her," she stated. "Accept it, Tori, you care about her and you shouldn't be ashamed of it," she added, giving me a smile.

I searched for words to form a lie but nothing made its way out of my mouth. "Mom-"

Just then, the front door was heard swing open.

"Your misery ends now! I'm home!" Maddie walked in like a boss. I chewed on the inside of my cheek to stop myself from smiling as my heart flutter to see her home.

"You've got to come out and see this!" Excitedly, Allan pointed for us to run outside to the driveway. Unsure for what, I followed Maddie out. On the driveway was a parked burgundy colored moped.

"Whoa!" my mouth dropped.

"This is my new baby!" Proudly, Maddie hugged it. "No more bike ridding for me." Holy shit! This was awesome!

Mom looked skeptical, "Do you know how to ride this?" she had one of those typical motherly concerned looks on her face. "Motorcycles are dangerous," she worried.

"It's hardly a motorcycle," I snorted.

Maddie glared at me, "You're just jealous," she argued as an act.

Pretending as well, I laughed mockingly, "And what are you going to do when it rains?"

"Wear a raincoat, bitch," she hissed.

"Madison!" Allan scolded.

In a challenging manner, I looked Maddie in the eye, "Yeah, you'll look really cool," I mocked.

"Come have dinner once you're done fighting," mom had enough of it and headed back inside, followed by Allan.

Alone, Maddie bit on her bottom lip a bit in a nervous manner, "What do you really think of it?"

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