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It was nighttime and the moon had risen. The rustling of the leaves under the soft wind was like a cute little melody, chiming into the ears of the living.
Yet despite it's calming effects, Taehyung just could not relax himself in the slightest. Every time he would try, he would remember of todays argument and close his eyes in frustration.

After dropping off Liz at the castle and then coming home, he entered the living room, which was lighted with the dim shining of the flames from the fireplace, and them only.
He threw himself on the long usual couch facing it, before covering his eyes with his arm to rest.

As much as he didn't want to think about Jungkook he did. No matter where he went ot what he did, there would always be something of someone that reminded him of him. And he hated that.

He raised his hand up in the air to look at the ring with the blood red gem once more, only to put it on his lips and give it a soft kiss. Despite the pain being unbearable, he knew that he would never let him go.

In the midst of his sighing and brooding, suddenly someone opened the door, walking inside, covered in mud and leaves.

Taehyung pointed his gaze and him and frowned.

"Did you fight a boar again?"

Sungho did an expression, yet it didn't seem soo visible under all that mud.

"No- i had to fight a pack of goblins. You know- the council's comissions are getting too much. This is not a one man job anymore."

Taehyung sighed.

"I'll find someone to accompany you next time."

In return Sungho turned around and went inside the bathroom, slamming the door after.

Ever since getting his powers back from Lucifer, Sungho had been working as a commisioner to the council of witches, doing their asked tasks, doing commissions or simple work such as paper work- or hard things like killing off goblins and getting rid of fairies.
There were many who did such a job, and a person or two was usually assigned for every large area. Sungho for this one.

After he had left, Taehyung decided to get up as well and go upstairs to sleep. He had been rather sleepy since this morning and had had no strength. Could've been because of his bad apetite and not eating well as Yoongi said. But not that he minded.

Despite now being a 25 year old grown man, he still couldn't act like one. Not eating... not sleeping well... he must've seemed childish to Yoongi. As if throwing a fit for Jungkook to come back. Even though he might not.

"H-he... might not come back..."

Saying those words out loud made his eyes teary as he fell down on his knees.
The fact that he had been gone for 3 whole years, and not having heard anything from him during that time was scary. He was scared that he might now come back... that he might've left for good.

Despite his promise to come back for him... it was still scary. He hated feeling like this.

"I hate it... ugh..."

As tears fell down his cheeks, he covered his mouth to not cry loudly.
His body shivered in the agony of saddness, while his eyes couldn't see from the blur of his tears.

He didn't know if he could continue living on if he didn't come back. He didn't know if he could go on at all... he shook his head to stop the toughts. To stop the pain.

But when it wasn't enough, he quickly chanted a sleeping spell to fall asleep.
The pain was just too much to bare... it was too much to live in it.

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