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"Damn! Damn! Damn!" You exclaimed as you ran across the railroad track.

Your clogs clicked across each railroad tie. As you ran as fast as you could. You flashed a few steps ahead. Within a few seconds you were already nearly a mile ahead. If you kept at this pace, it would be a while until you'd reach Rengoku.

You frowned before you took in a deep breath before releasing it slowly.

"Sixth Dance: Shadow Step."

Within a few seconds you were already tripling the speed you were at originally. You hurriedly continued to run. Your clogs clicking in quick succession. Every step you took sent you forward even faster.

The goal in your mind right now was to reach Rengoku and his group.

You had only wished Giyu hadn't stopped you. If he didn't you would've been on the train with Rengoku and His little posse. Damn it!

A Few Hours earlier....

"Come on Giyū-kun. You say it like I'm gonna do something bad!" Your exclaimed following Giyū through the town.

Passing every shop as you walked through.

Giyū was mannerous enough to bring you to the train station where your mission was to begin. Oh Giyū although you both aged from your first meeting so long ago. It felt like nothing changed between you both. You were child like around him. Which annoyed yet placed enjoyment in Giyū.

The smell of exotic foods filled your nostrils as excitement crept in for the coming mission. You were a bit earlier than scheduled. So much so that their was still sunlight burning.

Giyū stopped suddenly. The abruptness of his stop caused you to quickly twist around him before bumping into him.

Your feet glided around leading you in front of him.

"What's wrong Giyū-kun?" You questioned looking up to him.

His eyes stalled slightly fore they turned and looked away. A nervousness filled his aura. His timid nature confused you. He was fine a few minutes ago.

A sigh escaped your lips before your hand extended out for his. As your fingers tapped his hand. His hand pulled back slightly. A frown crawled over your face with your eye looking up to him in disappointment.

Your hand quickly pulled over to grab onto his hand. His face turned red before his hand gave in.

"There. Now let's get something to eat." You exclaimed before leading him off into the deep of the city.

"Wait! Your mission!" He exclaimed which caused you to scoff.

"Rengoku-kun can handle it! He's powerful enough!" You exclaimed which silenced Giyū. Oh how wrong you were..

You continued to run before the smell of smoke filled your nasal glands. The slight fragrance of blood was caught. This smell quickly pushed you even further. There had to have been an upper moon here.

You were sure of it.

As you drew closer and closer the smell grew stronger. Fire and blood filled the air. The sound of your collective sandal clicks grew louder. Within an instant your eyes were drawn to the sight. Rengoku and a demon were engaged in battle. A heart sunk as the bloodied figure of rengoku filled your gaze.

Your body reactd to this quicker than you anticipated. As if in a flash you appeared behind the demon as it prepared to strike at Rengoku.

Your sword hand drew your Shirasaya from its scabbard. It swung forward with precision quickly cutting off the demon's arm. He reacted jumping away to not be cut in half. He groaned loudly as he landed a distance away.

Amor =Giyuu Tomioka X Male Reader=Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt