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You were up and at them.

Urokodaki led you to the entrance into the forest. Where a grand torii gate stood. You admired the beauty. It was indigo too. And bared the family symbol.

"This is as far as I can go with you."


"I feel that this place has no need for me. And doesn't want me in there."


You looked up to the sight. And a chill ran up your spine.

"Keep Kensei and Kagezora here."

Kensei's ears perked hereing his name. You pushed your katana through your sash. And you took a step forward.

"There's something off here. So don't die or get hurt."

You walked into the weed ridden estate. Your guided yourself through. Making sure not to trip over something. If the estate had a face-lift it would be like it's youth.

You cut through a few branches in the way.

The farther you entered the more the foliage grew worst. It was as if the heart didn't want to be breached. When you broke free from the entrance path. And the estate walls looked back to you.

It's indigo painted walls was a sight to behold. It sat higher than the ground you stood on. And in front of the entrance was a large rock.

At the top was the family seal with the kanji's 月天. And below it were many names in columns. And at the bottom was your name.

"I can't believe it."

You placed your hand on the name on top of yours. It read 巴 as Tomoe. You learned that kanji from Urokodaki. A single kanji meant such an interesting word.

You walked up the stairs into the estate. And you gasped in horror. Collapsing to the ground.

All around you were corpses. That had long been decayed. Their bones and scraps of their kimono remained. Their shirasaya's by their hands.

The estate was tattered. The state of decay was melancholic.

"It can't be true. No, no, it can't be... Then that means..."

You ran through the estate. Making sure to avoid any sort of bone. All the way up to the main hall. you walked in and to your horror stood a perfect cadaver.

The body remained fresh and the woman was youthful. Perfectly beautiful and kind faced. In her hand was a shirasaya. And through her chest was a fragment of a katana blade.


You neared the body closer and closer. When the cadaver would suddenly move. And quickly moved forth to strike you.

Your katana moved before you could think. The two blades met against each other.

And soon a full on battle went on. Katana clashed violently against one another. You didn't understand how she was doing this. Her eyes opened and her pupiless eyes stared back to you.

"Why did you abandon us?"

Her stripped voice was terrible to hear.

As if it was never meant for mortal ears to hear. That was when her breathing changed. You jumped away as she held her shirasaya close and quickly spun around in a circle.

"Breath of the Star: Fifth Dance: Spinning Nova!"

All around her slashes of starlight shot out. Accompanied by small stars. The swirling action made you feel some fear. You reflected as much as you could.

When she suddenly jumped into the air. And swung at you with a gentle swing. You quickly blocked it. Until you were suddenly shot back.

Gentle swings with heavy strikes.

You noticed she was using her arms only. She must've been buff in her arms. Yet her kimono sleeve didn't scrunch as badly. Her arms must've been like yours.

She quickly struck quicker and quicker.

You had a hard time keeping up.

She also stopped an attack. And swung in the opposite direction. It was constant and you had a hard time blocking. Until she suddenly kicked you through the door.

You landed on your back and groaned in absolute pain. Though everything she did was done gently. She hit with a great big pain.

She was indeed your mother. When she jumped into the air and prepared to strike.

"Breath of the Star: 8th Dance: Crashing Comet!"

You jumped away from the attack. Rolling away from her. You held yourself up with your knee and foot.

"How is she even alive?"

"Breath of the Star: 1st Dance: Blooming Starlight!"

She thrusted towards your direction.

You jumped over her katana and sliced in her direction. She of course deflected. Sending you both an equal distance away.

Your eyes met against beach other.

This was concerning. She would kill you. And as she prepared her next attack. You stabbed your katana into the ground.

"I can't. I can't do it."

She stopped looking over to you. You finally noticed a horrid detail. Flame engulfed her hair. And flew into the air. Multiple arms were around her. And her eyes were red like blood and burned with a yearning for death.

You bowed your head and a single tear escaped your eyes.

"Take my soul and my head. Just please let your soul move on..."

She suddenly stopped. The flames that engulfed her hair suddenly extinguished. Letting her hair flow down from her head peacefully. Her blood shot eyes grew kinder. Turning into a kinder purple color. The arms around her turned into a white haori. She pierced the ground with your shirasaya. And she walked forward.

"With the blessings of Tsukuyomi. Live on my son. May you be stronger than any of us. And may your katana never fail you."

Your head lifted and the world around you began to glow with a kind indigo color.

"I blessed you in the light of the moon, stars, sun, and planets. I blessed that one day you could be stronger than any of us."

She took your hand into her own. Lifting you up gently.

"And until those blessings are used right. I will stay by your side to protect you."

You were suddenly filled with an emotion you never felt. It felt like happiness mixed with grief. Tears rolled down your face.

She smiled cupping your face with a smile. You immediately brought her into a tight hug.



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Amor =Giyuu Tomioka X Male Reader=Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant