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You were given a wooden blade. Obanai too held onto a wooden blade. Gyomei sat in the back. Silently praying for your victory.

You looked over to Obanai.

An aura of snake like appearance. One bite would probably result in your doom. You tightened your grip. Holding the wooden blade in front of you.

Obanai examined your stance. Though it was fairly open. He witnessed that aura of Ashura. The arms of the Ashura cradled around your body. Telling him it was impossible to pierce your defense.

"Move to grab the moon the tides will drown you. Move the sun then the world will go cold. Move to touch the Star the sky will be forever blank."

You breathed the words out with great grit.

Obanai took in your words. Smirking a bit under his mask. He appeared behind you. Quickly moving to smack your neck.

You instead dashed away before it hit.

Your eyes locked onto him.

"Improved Dance: Dashing Blossom Shadow!"

You brought your wooden blade in close. In a quick movement. You shot forward towards him. The shadows quivered not being able to keep up. From the tip of the thrust spawned. Great star that blossomed with beauty.

He was pushed back by this attack.

You took in another breath. And moved your body.

"Seventh Dance: Harvest of Autumn."

You swung your body in the air. Pushing yourself up into the sky. Smacking Obanai into the sky.

This happened in a shake of a lambs tail.

You placed your foot on top of his chest. And pushed him down onto the ground. Leaving him out of breath.

"How are you so fast?"

"My entire body is oddly thin. My legs and arms however possess strength of 5 men. My speed goes beyond anyone. And if you noticed my strength in the sword comes from my arms."

You tossed the wooden sword away from you. Looking over to Gyomei.

"What's next I want to go home."

He stood up and walked over to you. Bowing his head shifting his hands moving the beads around his hands.

"I have no need to teach you. Your power is as great as mine. You may go on."

He bowed his head. Though he was big he seemed like a kind soul. You too bowed your head. Smiling a bit.

"Arigatou gozaimasu."

You walked away from the place. Out into the estate. That was very grand. You would easily be lost here.


You were shocked by the sudden outburst. Finding a boy with odd colored hair. Yellow at the base and red at the tips.

His eyes were orange in color. He wore a bright smile. That made you smile too.


His hand reached out holding onto yours.

"My name is Kyojuro Rengoku. What's yours?"

"Oh Tsukuten Y/N."

You both shook each other's hand. With Rengoku's bright orange eyes pierced your soul with joy.

"You're the new Hashira! And you beat one of the Twelve Kizuki with ease!"

"Yes, yes."


Amor =Giyuu Tomioka X Male Reader=Where stories live. Discover now