Chapter 12 : Ready, Set, GRELL'S ADVENTURE!!!

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{Courtney P.O.V }

After everyone was seated, all we needed was to take off. I was in between Undertaker and Grell. I have a line of defence that is made up of grim reapers. Then we finally took off!

Time skipped
{Grell pov }

After an hour on the flight, Undertaker and Courtney was already asleep. Their heads was against each other's and they was fast asleep.

I could hear more snoring. I turned back to see the blonde brat asleep. I looked at the front to see blue brain asleep. I sat back and turned to the two that is sleeping like two little babies.

When I turn back, I see Courtney's aunt asleep. "So everyone is asleep besides me." I thought as I put my head on Courtney's head.

A few hours later
{Grell pov}

After a few hours of the 18 hours flight, it was boring. I was so bored of this flight. I decided to go to the bathroom, if there is one. I got up from my seat and went to the bathroom.

When I got out of the bathroom, I felt the plane shack. I held one of the seats as the plane shaked. "What the fucking hell was that?" I asked as I walked to my seat. I was about to sit down, when I heard crying. I looked around to see a crying baby. I walked to that baby. I took the dummy and put it in his mouth.

I walked back to my seat, when a other baby started. I walked to that baby and put a bottle in her mouth. Then the one next to her started to cry. I did the same thing. I walked back to sit down when, more baby's started crying. I didn't want them to wake anyone up. I got up and ran past each baby. I threw dummies and milk bottles into their mouths. I ran to the last baby and put a dummy in his mouth. He threw it out. I picked up the bottle and put it in his mouth. He threw that out as well. "What do you want? Must I tell you a story? Okay... well. I know. Once upon time, there was a baby... that looked like you... he was on a flight to Australia when he fell asleep. The end." I said as the baby fell asleep. I was walking back to my seat when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned in fright to be faced with a lady. "Please may you go back to your seat. We all want our passengers to reach their destination's in one piece. So please, can you go back to your seat?" She said as I sat down.

When I heard someone talking. I stood up and looked at a girl with long, blonde hair and was flirting with Bassy. "You know, you are kind of cute. And handsome. Are you single? Do you have a girlfriend? If you don't then, I am here. I am single." She said as that made me really angry. "Shut the fucking hell up you bitch. He ain't single. He is taken. BY ME YOU BITCH." I said as she twisted her hair and got back to her seat. I got back to my seat as this flight was making me go crazy.

"What do I do? This flight is killing me. When can I just relax and enjoy myself? That is all I want to do. What can I do? I will be crazy by the end of this flight." I thought as I hit my head on the back of my seat, irradiated by this fucking flight. I heard crying so I got up and looked around. I saw a baby right in the front that was crying. I got up. I walked to the baby and put a dummy in his mouth. I got up from the floor and was about to go to my seat. I started walking when, when a hand went around my neck and a gun was pointed to my head.

"Nobody moves, nobody screams and nobody must do anything. Or I will pull the trigger. So don't do anything." I was scared at this point. "Sutcliff? What are you doing?" As Bassy stood up and looked at me. "Bassy." I said as I tried to get free. "What is she doing?" The spider demon asked as he looked at Bassy. "How am I supposed to know?" Bassy said as he looked at me. "Please. Let her go-- Don't come any closer or I will pull the trigger." As Bassy walked towards me.

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