Night of the final battle.

Start from the beginning

Sarah looked to Zach and said "How are you feeling?" Zach smiled "fine, thank you, how about you. The battle?" Sarah then said "I'm taking a breather until Alex brings him back up." Zach then said "Can I tell you about my nightmares now." Sarah nodded "Go ahead, you have my attention." She said with a worried expression

Alex was not letting up. each strike he took felt painful, but he shrugged it off, however each hit he did was over twice the strength of what the captain did. Alex then felt enough of his energy that was built up and he smiled causing the captain to say "why are you smiling? what do you have planned." Alex then said "just wait." Alex took another attack and then said to himself "gotcha."

Sarah heard a noise of stone breaking and she looked off the side and barely saw Alex going ham on the captain. He went to one place attacking the captain before kicking him to another and another and back to the castle. After she lost sight of Alex She returned to Zach and said "Alex seems to be doing well." Zach then said "sounds good." Sarah smiled "yeah, oh and thanks for telling me about you and Kiana before we met, I always thought you two were at least something." Zach then said "yeah, but I feel that one of the nightmares directly correlate to us breaking up." Sarah nodded "I get it, I had a nightmare too, where you left me."

Alex was using the walls to his advantage as he kicked the captain into it creating cracks and craters. The captain then said "You're stronger than you seem. How about a little void power." Alex then said "go on, do it. Like that'll change much." Alex then slammed the captain into the floor breaking it and sending him to the next floor down and hitting him into the ceiling a few times before returning back up. Alex was now getting puffed and the captain said "can- can't keep doing this forever Alex." Alex smiled "Neither can you, whoever breaks first loses and it aint gonna be me."

Alex found the hole that they came from and said "time to get Sarah back in on the action." He then threw the captain back up it before going up himself. Alex then used the other floors to punch the captain back up and each time he did so the captain became more and more frustrated. After reaching the top Alex said "Sarah. are you good?" Sarah nodded and said "As good as I'll ever be." The captain who was lying in an impact crater said "so you are just that strong, ha. I'll kill you both, then use your powers to open a portal to your world and turn it into my kingdom. As for Zach, he'll watch the world die around him."

Alex Tackled the captain and sent him back a bit, Sarah then kicked him upward. Before Alex slammed him into the ground. The captain then got up and hovered in the air, likely from the void powers. alex then said "Given the augmentations I have to wonder, what is his limit? Maybe overclocking him could cause the augmentations to break but how could I get enough." Alex then looked at Sarah and said "A portal, harder to make but If I could get knocked down, a stretch but..." He then looked to Zach "It may just work."

The captain grabbed Sarah by the throat after taking a strong punch from her and said "impressive, lets see if you can survive this." He then punched Sarah and she tumbled a few times before getting up and saying "I can, watch me." The captain then went head to head with her and the two began to  push each other with project end energy, whoever falters first will lose this duel.

Sarah fell back. Her usage was not enough and she lost the duel. But she got right back up after and said "Good strike, let's do it again." The two then gave all of their might into each other creating shockwaves after shockwaves. Alex however was waiting for the right moment to strike, waiting for the falter of the captain, then and only then would he begin to enact his plan.

Zach looked at his girlfriend and smiled "You're doing well." He said to himself. Each time the two struck, the moon was in the background. He took a few mental images before Alex came into the fray, attacking the captain and sending him right past Him. Alex followed and jumped to the captain slamming him into the ground with great force. He looked over and Saw Alex throw him to the top of the castle. Zach looked to his right and saw the crushed stone and concrete powder in the air.

Alex felt the byproduct being charged up and he had just enough. Alex then looked up to the moon "this should work. As long As I have project end energy, oxygen shouldn't be a problem. same with him." The captain then stood up saying "Is *huff* that the best you got?" Alex smiled "Not yet." Alex then Kicked him up in the air and punched him around the place before creating a giant pulse Alex then went back to the castle and waited for the captain to forcefully return.

The captain landed back on the castle and Alex immedatly went to attack sending him into space Sarah then said "Hope this works, whatever Alex's plan is I hope he can enact it soon. Then we'll all be able to go home."

The two speed towards the moon but the captain stopped Alex Dead in his tracks and said "did you really think you could do that?" The captain then grabbed Alex's arm and started to fly towards the castle at high speeds, if it wasn't for Alex split second decision he would've been seriously injured. Alex grabbed the baptain's arm and bit down sinking his teeth into it causing the captain to yell out in pain and letting Alex go. He looked at his arm and saw the marks puncture the skin and he said "so you want to do it like that huh, well, lets see if you enjoy losing energy." 

The two were now on the ground and sarah joined back in on the fight. Alex then said adjusting himself and cracking his knuckles "Let's show this dude how we did it in the training." Sarah nodded locking eyes with the captain who smiled at her. This is the final effort to bring the captain back.

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