Chapter Nighty-Three: Simulation Manipulation

Start from the beginning

Chase gave him an annoyed look and I smacked his arm.

"It's called failure, Chase. Let me spell it out for you: F... You know what? On second thought, why don't you spell it out for me?" Adam mockingly asked.

This made his team chuckle along with dad while Chase glared at him.

I sighed and shook my head while Alexis hit Adam by the arm.

It was now Adam and Alexis's team to go as they all walked over to the barrier.

Me, dad, Chase and his team walked over to the other side of the room

"I can't believe you guys messed up the combat simulation. What's the first thing I taught you? Do as I say, and as I do" Chase said in annoyance.

I glared at him and crossed my arms while dad sighed.

Dad walked over to him and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Good pep talk" Dad sarcastically said and I nodded.

Chase glared at him as dad walked away over to Adam and his team.

"Adam, Alexis, your team's up" Dad said and they nodded.

"Ok guys! What's the first thing I taught you?" Adam asked.

"Don't be like Chase!" his team yelled.

Adam grinned at them as they all high-fived each other.

Alexis just giggled and shook her head at them with a smile on her face.

The lights turned off, the smoke reappeared and the exoskeleton activated and started shooting laser at them.

They all ducked and the students hid behind the barrier and Adam stood next to them.

"Ok. Let's do what we do!" Alexis yelled.

"Now!" Adam yelled.

His team nodded and they all quickly threw the barrier at the exoskeleton, causing it to drop to the ground.

Me and dad smiled while Chase looked annoyed.

"And that's what we do" Alexis grinned.

Adam nodded and kissed her on the lips before they both high-fived their team.

The lighst turned back as we all walked over to Adam and his team.

"That was amazing! That was even faster than Bree and Nick's team last week" Dad smiled.

"Hey, all I'm hearing is Chase lost and me and Alexis are better teachers" Adam smiled as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

I giggled and shook my head at him while Chase glared at him and walked over to him.

"No way! I mean I can understand Alexis being a good teacher. But there's no way that you are a better teacher than I am!" Chase yelled at him in annoyance.

I sighed and shook my head.

"Hey, calm down dude" Alexis said, trying to get Chase to calm down.

"Yeah. You've got plenty of over things to be proud of...and once we find out what those things are, you are gonna feel a lot better" Adam said as he placed his hand on his shoulder.

I looked at him weirdly while Chase glared at him and shoved his hand away.

I smiled softly at Chase and gave him a small peck on the lips.

"Look bubba, there are still two more tests to evaluate your students' progress and I'm sure your team will do better on the next one" I reassured him. 

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