Chapter Thirty Three: The Rats Strike Back

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Luna's Pov

I was with dad and Leo in the lab waiting for the trio to return from their mission.

Soon the lab doors slid open revealing the trio who looked really tried.

"Another successful mission! Sure you guys blew a lot of stuff up, but hey, that's the city's problem now" Dad chuckled.

I walked up to Chase and kissed him softly on the lips.

"I'm glad you're safe bubba" I said and he smiled.

"Me too sweetheart" Chase said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Uh, I am so exhausted. I can't wait to just stand up, and go to sleep" Bree said as I giggled.

"Well, you guys get your rest. My big NASA presentation is this week, and we still have to complete training on my gravity propulsion belt" Dad explained.

"I don't know what that is, but it sounds like it does a lot more than hold up my pants" Leo said.

Chase walked over to a chair and sat down as he pulled me onto his lap and wrapped both arms around my waist.

"This is a huge contract. If NASA buys this, astronauts will be able to spacewalk anywhere in the galaxy. They'll probably name a moon after me, or a planet! Things are gonna land on me! Ha ha!" Dad cheered and I rolled my eyes. 

"I'll see you guys bright and early in the morning" Dad said as he started walking away but Leo stopped him.

"Wait, tomorrow? No, no. That's not gonna work. I planned an awesome cyberpong tournament. I made nicknames and everything. I'm Kingpong" Leo protested.

"Really?" I asked and he glared at me.

"And tomorrow's the Teen Fiancé marathon on TV. I didn't think it was possible, but I actually found a group of people who's lives are more pathetic than mine" Bree said.

"You don't say" I said and Chase chuckled.

"Yeah, and I was gonna have a spa day. According to one of Bree's girly magazine's... I have cankles" Adam said and we all gave him a disgusted look.

"Adam, nobody wants to know that" I said and everyone nodded.

"And I was gonna get a head start on my homework" Chase said and we all stared at him.

'Homework, is he serious' I thought in disblief.

"I mean, play sports and talk to girls" Chase said and I glared at him.

"What girls?" I asked.

"Did I say girls? I meant girl, and that girl is my beautiful girlfriend that I love so much" Chase quickly said.

I glared at him and he smiled nervously at me, "please don't kill me" Chase begged.

I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek.

"You're lucky you're cute and I love you" I said and he sighed in relief.

"And I was planning on sleeping all day since we got no school" I said with a smirk, making dad roll his eyes but smile.

"All right. Look, none of that is happening. This stuff is important" Dad said.

"What makes your stuff more important than ours?" Bree asked as she walked towards him.

"Uh, 'cause my stuff can make a billion dollars" Dad said with a smile.

"Yeah, so, when you're the boss, you can make the rules. But until then" Dad said as he started walking backwards and held his arms up in the air.

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