Chapter Fifteen: Chip Switch

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Luna's Pov

Me and Leo walked into the elevator together.

We then saw Principal Perry walking with her back faced to us but then she turned around.

"Dooley, Walker, What are you doing in my elevator?" Principal Perry asked.

"We're enjoying the music. Today is, love songs from the nineties. Wanna dance?" Leo asked.

"Use the stairs" Principal Perry yelled as we stepped out of the elevator.

"This is exactly how healthy kids become unhealthy adults" Principal Perry said.

"Really, well we're looking at one right now so" I mocked and Leo laughed while she glared at me.

"For your information, I'm a speed walker. Perhaps you've seen me at the Mission Creek Mall giving the shoppers a little eye candy" Principal Perry said with a smirk and the both of us gagged.

"Listen up, space-fillers! This is Emergency Preparedness Week. An emergency drill can happen at any time. So when the alarm sounds, you must evacuate the building in an orderly fashion-- Like cattle, if cattle had acne... and braces... and a future filling up my gas tank" Principal Perry explained as she walked away.

Me and Leo laughed as we made our way to our friends.

I walked up to Chase and kissed his cheek, "hey babe" I said.

"Hey baby" Chase said as he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Oh, man! I wish I had Bree's super-speed, Because you do not want to be stuck walking behind cows in an emergency--trust me on that" Adam said.

"You would trade your super-strength for Bree's super-speed? Man, if I had your strength, I'd just run out of the building juggling those cows" Chase said and I giggled.

"Yeah, and if I had your super-intelligence, I'd have walked away from this conversation thirty seconds ago" Bree said and I nodded.

"Hey, you know what would be awesome? If you guys took out your bionic chips and switched your abilities" Leo suggested.

"Why can't we?!" Chase said in excitement.

"Because it's dangerous and not safe" I said but they ignored me.

"I call your super-smarts" Bree said while pointing to Chase.

"I call your super-speed" Adam said while pointing to Bree.

"I call your super-strength" Chase said while pointing to Adam.

"I call good looks and charisma! Oh, too late! Already got 'em" Leo said and everyone looked at him weirdly.

"Sweetie, keep dreaming because you don't have any of those things, at all" I mocked and everyone burst out laughing.

Leo glared at me while I just smirked and flipped my hair.

The Next Day

Waking up in my bedroom I sat up and stretched.

It was still early since Leo was going to switch my boyfriends and friends chip today.

Tried talking them out of it but they didn't listen to me.

I got out of bed and got into the shower and turned on the nice hot water.

Getting out of the shower I made it to my closet and changed into a nice comfortable outfit for school today.

Getting out of the shower I made it to my closet and changed into a nice comfortable outfit for school today

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