Chapter Nighty-Two: Mission Mania

Start from the beginning

Me and Leo looked at him and smiled while nodding.

One invention Douglas made that isn't dangerous.

"I like it. But do you have anything in a lie-detecting hammock?" Bob asked.

I rolled my eyes with a small smile while Leo and Spin gave him 'really' looks.

"Just try it out" Douglas said.

"Don't mind if I do" Bob nodded as he walked over to the chair and sat down.

"Wait. This thing's not gonna zap me if I tell a lie, is it?" Bob asked in worry.

"No" Douglas said.

"Okay, good" Bob said as he buckled himself to the chair.

"It'll spin you around in speeds up to Mach 3" Douglas grinned.

Mine and Leo's eyes widened as we stared at him in shock while Bob stared at him in shock and fear.

"What?!" Bob yelled.

Douglas nodded and crouched next to him and patted his shoulder.

"It's like a merry-go-round with a horribly violent twist" Douglas grinned.

I stared at him in shock while Bob chuckled nervously.

"On second thought, I'm late for class" Bob said.

He tried unbuckling himself but the chair buzzes and started rapidly spinning, making Bob scream.

Me and Leo stared in shock and fear while Douglas was grinning and Spin was laughing.

Finally the chair stopped and Bob stopped screaming while panting heavily.

"Bob, buddy are you okay?" I asked in worry for my brother.

"Yeah. I feel great" Bob nodded.

But this resulted in the chair spinning rapidly once again and Bob screaming in fear.

The chair stopped and Bob was panting heavily as he turned around to glare at a grinning Douglas.

"If you keep me in this thing, I'm definitely gonna ruin it" Bob said in annoyance.

I giggled and nodded before me and Leo turned to Douglas as he turned to us.

"So, what do you guys think?" Douglas asked, still chuckling and grinning.

"I think you need to start looking for a new job. Your inventions shouldn't hurt my siblings!" I yelled at him while smacking him upside the head.

This made the boys snort while Douglas glared at me and rubbed his head.

"Ugh. Why does this school always have to be about the kids?" Douglas asked in annoyance.

I glared at him while he waved his hands around and left.

When he left Adam and Alexis walked in while wearing their mission suits.

"Sis, we've got a mission alert" Alexis said and Adam nodded.

"Yeah Leo, you wanna come and not get noticed?" Adam asked.

I giggled while Leo glared at him in annoyance but nodded either way.

"Hey, can we go, too?" Spin asked.

"Ah, sorry, kid. You're still not mission-ready yet" Adam said.

Alexis smiled sadly at him and nodded before her and Adam left.

Leo smirked and turned around and started gloating silently at them, making me glare at him and hit his arm.

I turned to Spin and hugged him and placed a sisterly kiss to his head.

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