Taehyung couldn't help but smile at her yet again and said:

"I'm afraid i can't do that. Such a pretty princess like you should be praised more. Not scolded."

Liz softly giggled before jumping onto Taehyung's back. She wrapped her arms around his neck and jumped up.

"The princess wants to be carried then! I want some cake!"

Taehyung hummed, standing up while carrying her on her back to the kitchen.

Later, they were both seated on the kitchen counter, Taehyung watching while Liz stuffed some cake inside her mouth.

"Uncle Tae... aren't you lonely too sometimes?"

Taehyung tilted his head, curious.

"What do you mean by too?"

Liz swallowed the cake and then wiped away the white frosting from her lips before speaking again.

"My mom said that uncle Kook is very lonely beacuse he deeply misses you. Do you miss him too?"

Taehyung's eyes slowly fell down, his lips seeming bitter. Yet his feelings were in their right place. In his heart.

"I do feel lonely all the time... and there is not a moment that passes by without me missing him."

Liz's eyes widened brightly as she flashed a big smile.

"Woaah! You two, do have a legendary love as dad says! It sounds like true love..."

Taehyung chuckled while scratching his neck. As he did, Liz' eyes shot at the ring he had on and pointed at it.

"Did uncle Kook give you that ring?"

Taehyung paused, then looking down.
Liz had always admired how pretty the ring was, and how Taehyung never took it off. She knew that it was special but had never questioned it due to her age and how she kept forgotting to do so. But now, since the topic had come there, she decided to spill her curiosity.

"He... did. Why, do you like it?"

Liz nodded as she looked at his hand.

"Yes! It's really pretty! Tae, could you tell me about how you two met?"

Taehyung got taken aback by her request but started to tell her neverthless. Those days were long in the past, yet reminding himself wouldn't be any bad either. Just make him feel sad. That is all.

"It... was a long time ago. When i didn't used to be myself quiet yet."

Liz puckered her lips, tilting her head.

"What does that mean?"

Taehyung smiled and slid his hand down her head, brushing her hair between his fingers as he did.

"You'll understand when you grow up. Let's just say that i had a bad life before he came into my life. But then, he made me want to live and... gave me a reason to love myself."

Liz wow'ed in captivation and gave out a dreamy sigh.

"Woaah... my uncle is such a romantic.."

Taehyung laughed at the tought, shaking his head.

"You think? I think you'll be much suprised when you meet him one day."

Liz smiled.

"I hope i meet him."

Taehyung hummed, his gaze slowly falling down. As Liz saw him get gloomy all of a sudden, she jumped down her seat and hugged his leg.

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