"Sometimes her interest in reading about gods and angels makes me worried. I hope she doesn't remember anything." Said the younger son, Abijah. 

"Keep your voice low moron. She will hear you." Said Elijah. 

Just then Atara entered the room and sat besides her father. 

"Good morning everyone." She greeted and they greeted back.  

"Angel, ready to join me at work today?" George asked her.

"Yes! I am so excited." She chirped.

"Yeah, I hope she does some work too instead of reading all day." Teased Elijah.

"Stop teasing her Eli." Ana scolded the boy before Atara could react.

After breakfast Atara and George went to the Library.

It was a small town with a very less population. Probably everyone recognised each other. Ana owned the only bakery in the town while George owned a small but beautiful library. It had books about anything and everything.

Atara still remembered the day she had woken up in their house without having any memory about herself. Anna explained to her that Atara was an orphan but because she was now 18 she had to leave the orphanage. She had just shifted to this new town when she was attacked by some drunkards. But hopefully Elijah and Abijah had saved her. After that Ana and George had requested her to stay with them as their daughter. They loved her like their own daughter and she also started working in Ana's bakery.

"Welcome to your new place of work." George turned around to look at Atara but she had already ran inside to check out the books. He chuckled at her shaking his head.

"You know you have to work also." He said as he admired her excited form. She was touching the books kept in the shelf with her fingertips as a smile adored her face.

"Yes-Yes don't worry." She said with her gaze still on the books.


The day passed quickly and soon it was dark outside. It was a new moon night today and the sky seemed unusually darker. There was no star visible and no sound of crickets hidding in bushes. It was, as if, the Earth had silenced itself.

Atara was in the farthest corner of the library popped up on a couch near the window. Her eyes were glued to lines of the classic romance novel that she had been reading since morning. Ofcourse she took a break in between to work.

George walked towards her with keys in his hand.

"Princess, are you done?" He asked her.

Atara turned towards him and nodded.

"Will you please take these keys to Ana? She is at the doorstep but forgot the keys inside. I would have come too but I have some work left here." George asked her.

"Yeah sure. I'll just keep this book back." She said getting up.

She took the keys from him and kept them in her bag.

"Call me if there is any problem, yeah?" He asked while looking at her as she descended the steps that led to the road.

"Sure. Byeeee!" She yelled from across the pavement before walking in the direction of her house.

She rubbed her arms as the chill air passed through her. The eerie silence made a little part in her scared but she knew she was safe. This was one of the safest areas in the town.

But today there was no one on the road to her surprise. She kept walking straight before taking a turn in an alley. It was a short cut though hardly anybody used it.

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