Chapter 22

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Darius walked towards the throne room in hurry, he was summoned by his king. He was aware of the things happening with Lucifer recently. Everyone in hell was aware of the blunder they had committed. They had punished, doubted and hurt their innocent queen.  

Darius entered the throne room and bowed before his lord who sat on the large throne.

"No need for the courtesy we don't have time for that." Hissed Lucifer. 

"What happened, my lord? You went somewhere and nobody knew about it. I was worried." Darius said.

"I went to the Heaven."

Darius's eyes widened in shock which was soon covered with happiness.                                                   "What?! Does that mean you met our queen? Or wait! did you bring her back?" 

Lucifer looked away as the feeling of sadness came over him. How he wished to meet her, his queen.

"No. I could not meet her. Because.....Because she is not here. She is not in heaven anymore."

"Then where is she?" 

"In the mortal world. She is living with the humans as one of them. She has no memory of her life in heaven and hell." Lucifer explained.

 Darius was shocked and speechless. 

"How? How can they do this?" And then Lucifer explained him everything including his next plans. 

At the end of Lucifer's words the frown on Darius's face was replaced with a happy smile. The thought of this plan's success made him on go cloud nine. He couldn't wait for the queen to come back and live in her kingdom.

"This plan is amazing your highness. I will also join you in this expedition." Darius said nodding at his king.

"No Darius. I want you to stay here and look after everything in my absence. I don't want anybody to know about this plan. Everything will go wrong if the gods come to know about this. And this is because of my mistake, So I shall be the only one to work for it. Now, you know what you have to do." 

Darius nodded with a proud smile and walked out of the room. He had many responsibilities to carry out now. 


The bright sunlight seeped in through the windows as soon as the curtains were shifted. 

An immediate whimper and a string of non-understandable words left the sleepy girl's mouth making Ana roll her eyes. 

"Wake up, princess. It's late already." She caressed the girl's hair. 

The girl opened her bright blue eyes and smiled at her. 

"Good morning, Mama." She greeted like a good girl that she was.  

"Atara, princess your father is waiting for you. You promised him that you would assist him in the library. " 

Atara's eyes widened in realization. She sat up on the bed and glanced at the clock on her bedside table. 

"Oh, my god! I am late." Atara threw away the blankets from her body and rushed to her bathroom. 

Ana chuckled at the girl before walking out of the room. She saw her husband and her two Sons waiting at the dining table. 

"She just woke up and rushed to the bathroom. She had completely forgotten about working with you." She said looking at her husband George who shook his head with a smile.

"But I don't understand one thing, Dad. Why does she have to work with you? She was doing good at Mom's bakery." Asked their eldest son, Elijah. 

"She loves baking but Books are her life. And why would she refuse working in the library where she can read all the time for free." George replied to his son. 

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