Chapter 26

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Lucifer walked into the manor with a grim expression. He had gone back in hell for four days, unfortunately leaving his mate alone. But he returned the minute he finished his work. He was getting restless now, he hadn't seen her in four days and his demons were eating his mind to go see her. 

"Hans!" He called the old man who rushed to his service.

"Your highness!" Hans bowed seeing his king.

"How is she? Is everything alright?" Lucifer had appointed some messengers for himself who kept an eye on Atara, he wanted her to be safe at all times. In his absence they reported everything to Hans.

"Your highness, The queen has not left the house even once in last four days."

Lucifer's was alarmed hearing his words. Thoughts of her getting hurt swarmed in his mind.

"What? But why?" He asked in a worried voice.

"We have no idea, her family members follow their regular routine to work but the queen hasn't left the house." Hans answered in an equally worried tone.

Lucifer wanted to check on her immediately, his demons were getting out of control. They wanted to ensure she was alright. 

"I'll go myself to see her." He announced before vanishing in the thin air.

The house was dark and silent when he entered, worrying him even more. He walked upstairs to her bedroom, the door was ajar. He peeked in to see his mate soundly sleeping. A smile formed on his face seeing her relaxed form. 

He walked towards the bed and sat near her on a chair. 

He took the book from her hand, careful not to wake her. He placed the book on a table and glanced at her. 

Her chest was raising and falling with every breath she took. Taking her soft hand in his, he caressed it slowly. He was watching her with a loving gaze. His eyes taking in the beauty she was. 

"My precious, you don't know how much I regret my actions. Sometimes I wonder, if I ever deserved you? Your parents are right, my love. I do not deserve the beautiful soul you are. I am such a jerk you know."

"I don't care if you hate me when you remember everything, I will do anything and everything for your forgiveness. I want everything back, I want you back, I want our love back. I promise you my little angel, everything will be alright. I will give you all the love you deserve."

He wiped the tear that escaped his eye and leaned in to kiss the mark on her neck. His lips cherished the mark with love.

He smiled in content seeing the mark, only to be pushed back with full force. 

Atara felt a soft touch on her neck, it gave her tingles all over her body. She leaned more towards it but suddenly a painful memory flashed in her mind. The touch she felt soft, now burned her.

She opened her eyes to see a figure leaned on her, it was the cause of the touch, cause of the pain.

She pushed it away with full force causing him to stumble a little before straightening himself.

She came face to face with her worst nightmare, her tormentor. Lucifer. 

Siting up straight she stared at him with fear in her eyes. 

"Atara..."He whispered looking at her. She was like a deer caught in headlight. Scared and innocent.

She whimpered seeing him taking a step closer. He stopped in his tracks seeing her tears.

"S-Stay away." She whispered in an almost inaudible tone but he heard it well and clear, breaking his heart. 

She looked down at her hands as tears rolled down her cheeks. She remembered everything now, every happy and sad memory.

"I am sorry, love. I am really sorry." He said with his face and voice showing how guilty he was. 

"No you are not. You are not sorry and I will not forgive you." Her voice came out stern and he knew how dead serious she was while saying this. Her whole demeanor screamed scared but still her voice was unwavering and clear.   

"I know what I did, my actions, they can not be justified. I was insane, a stupid jerk to not believe you. Trust me Atara, I am drowned in guilt of my actions. It is eating me from the inside to see you scared of me." He was shaking while saying this, his eyes were filled with tears which could flow any moment now. The mighty king of hell, who was known to scare every soul was scared now. He was living in the fear of rejection. He did not want the life of loneliness again. He was so used to her presence that thought of life without her made him shiver with fear. 

She could see how vulnerable he was, she knew he was regretting his actions. She was well aware of his guilt. Because before hurting her, he had also given her the love no-one could ever give her. If he was the reason of her pain, he was also her cure. 

But her self respect came across her love for him. She was the purest soul, she could never hate him even if she wanted to. But she could feel the hurt in her heart. She could feel the pain that she suffered, mentally and physically. And she refused to forget it, at least for now.

She sighed deeply before looking up at him. He could see the little ray of love in her eyes, even though it was covered with anger and hurt, it was there. 

"As much as I love you, I also can't forget the immense pain and hurt that came my way while loving you. I am hurt Lucifer, and I have no intention of forgiving you, at least for now. You are very lucky, you know. Because I don't have the ability to hate." 

"Please don't say that. I will do anything for your forgiveness, Anything." He said siting on his knees. 

"Please leave me alone, Lucifer." She whispered breaking his dam of tears.

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