Chapter 24

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She hummed the tune of the song that was currently playing in her mother's bakery. Her father had to stay in the city for another day and so she accompanied her mother to the bakery.

The bakery was full with customers but thankfully Atara was into the kitchen, baking some cookies. She did not like much crowd and socializing was her weak point. She would rather be alone in her room than with a bunch of strangers. 

"Oh, lord! It is so much rush today. Is the whole town here or what?"  Her mother said rushing inside the kitchen. 

Atara smiled at her mother and continued her work. She placed the cookies in the oven and ensured it was the right temperature.

"Done. Mama, I am done with the cookies. Shall I help you with something else?" She asked her mother who thought for a moment.

"We have managed everything here but if you want can you please deliver this order? I can't send anyone else." Ana said showing her a box of brownies.

"Okay sure. What's the address?" Atara asked removing her apron. 

"Ah it's the manor near the hills." Ana said handing her the box.

Atara remembered that it was the same house he had bought. 

The previous day's encounter was still in her mind. She was still confused thinking about her book. It had just disappeared. 

"Okay. I'll leave." She said taking her bag with her.

On the way to the manor her heart was thumping loudly. She was feeling nervous all of a sudden. Why was he having this effect on her? She had met him just twice but it felt like they knew each other since  a long time.

"Why am I thinking about him?" She whispered to herself.  

The manor soon came to her view and she observed it's beauty. It was the biggest house in the town and it was indeed beautiful. 

However, it had a silence surrounding it. She had an eerie feeling looking at it. It was beautiful but it wasn't pleasant. The surrounding was cold and dry. It was quite deserted from the rest of the town. Nobody had lived there for years and she wondered why he bought this one. 

Opening the gates with a push, she placed her feet on the ground of the manor but shuddered at the sudden gust. It was like, the weather had suddenly changed. From calm and serene to windy and stormy. Dark clouds formed above the town and a murder of crows formed above the manor. The shrill sound of the crows and the storm surrounding her made her shiver. 

"What is happening?" She thought looking at the sudden changes. 

It was like. they were stopping her from going in. They were not going to hurt her but they were here for warning her. 

She could feel it. She could feel the warning tone of the black birds. 

But she did not get the meaning behind this sudden commotion around her. She couldn't grasp what exactly was happening though it felt like she knew it, why they were so anxious. 

"I don't understand." She mumbled when a loud thunder echoed through the sky making her jump. Before she could sober up , it started pouring heavily. 

Atara shrieked as she got drenched and ran towards the door of the manor for shelter.

She rang the doorbell several times as she shivered with cold. It was only a minute and she had drenched completely. 

The door was opened with a creak by a middle aged man who looked like a butler. His eyes were dark emotionless pools which could terrify a child to his core. 

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