Chapter 20

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Atara hissed in pain when her bare feet touched the hard floor. Her body was ready to give up any time. She had no energy left after the marking but her mate had other plans. The guards were dragging her towards the center of hell where a large crowd had gathered. Everyone wanted to see the king punishing his mate. The same girl they had welcomed with so much love, today they were cheering for her to get punished. There still was a section of people who wanted to go deep into this matter. Afterall Atara was the purest soul. She couldn't do any such thing even if she wanted to. But who would dare to speak in front of their king. He had already destroyed a large part of his palace in anger.

The guards stopped in the center of the Coloseum and tied Atara's hands with ropes to the two poles on either sides. Her eyes were closed as she didn't want to face any of this. But she could still hear the sounds of people cheering and hooting. She knew her mate sat in front of her on his throne. Her heart still hoped for all this to be a nightmare.

"Bring Adheres, the intruder from Heaven. He will be beheaded today in front of all." Mr.Dustan announced from his podium. He was the happiest man today as he thought he was getting his revenge. But he still did not like Lucifer leaving Atara with just a small punishment. He wanted Atara out of hell.

A guard came running towards Mr.Dustan and whispered something in his ears making his eyes widened. He whisper yelled something to the guard before turning to look at Lucifer.

"Y-Your highness, Adheres has...Adheres ran away."

Silence fell upon them as he spoke. All the cheers and hooting stopped. Lucifer stood up from his throne in fury.

"What are you saying? How is this fucking possible? What were the guards doing?" He yelled at Dustan.

"Y-Your highness, Adheres killed a lot of our guards and then...then suddenly vanished. Our guards are already searching for him but...but they fear we lost him." He looked down in shame and disappointment.

Lucifer looked around to see his mate staring at the ground. He clenched his fist and descended down the stairs.

He stopped in front of Atara. The blood on her neck and clothes made his heart ache but that pain was nothing in front of his anger. He was blinded by the rage caused by a misunderstanding.

"Adheres has escaped, but that doesn't mean I will spare him. I will kill him in front of your eyes Atara. Until then let's begin with your punishment love." He whispered love with disgust.

Atara did not look up because she knew the look on his face would break her even more.

She felt him walk back towards his throne. The moment he sat on his throne to look at her, a sharp pain striked her back and a scream of agony left her mouth which sent shivers down every spectator's spine.

She clutched her eyes shut as streaks of tears flowed down her eyes. She wasn't even recovered from the previous whip when the next one striked making her scream for her creator. Her lord. All her life she had been the princess of her parents, living in God's personal Palace she had never even had a scratch on her silky skin but now she was feeling her skin tear apart along with every whip falling on her body. And all this because of whom? Because of the man she trusted and loved. Because of the man who did not trust her.

As they reached the last whip she had lost every bit of energy left in her body. She was still in a standing position only because her hands where tied to the poles. Her body had given up already. Her entire back was covered in blood.

At this moment for the first time in her life she hated her creation. Hated every quality she was blessed with, dispised the ability that made her the purest soul. Because she was not able to hate Lucifer. Yes, she was angry, upset and dissappointed. But she couldn't bring herself to hate him, despise him.

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