Chapter 8

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" you really kill angel and demon mates? And also Seline..."

A deadly silence filled the place as soon as Atara finished her sentence. She was too nervous to ask it but she had to. In order to spend her life with him, it was necessary to know him, and everything about him. She needed to know what kind of person her mate was. Though she had heard a lot of horrible things about him still she had the hope in her heart that maybe they were all rumors. And his tender behavior towards her was also something she had never expected from the king of hell. His gentle ways were making their way to her heart and they were all because of a pure emotion. There was no selfish desire in his heart for her, he did nothing for his own pleasure. But whatever he was doing, he was doing it out of the feelings he had started to develop for her just like how she had started to develop an emotion for him. An emotion she had never felt. It was not the same affection that she had for everyone else. This was something rare, deep and strong. She wanted to know what it was that had started to develop in less than one day. Maybe it was because of the mate bond or maybe it was his loving ways.

Lucifer was left speechless at her question. Never in his life was he nervous or ashamed when someone would talk about his actions. Instead he would feel proud of himself. But not now. Not in front of his mate. He suddenly felt nervous and afraid. Nervous to respond and afraid of her reaction to it. How was he supposed to tell her that he had killed several angels and demon mates because he hadn't found his yet. His mate was so pure at heart and he knew that knowing the truth about him will cause her immense pain. Maybe she will start hating him....or worse reject him.

He shook those thoughts away as his demons started growling in anger. They knew the consequences were going to be bad but they did not want to lie to the only one they could ever confide.

He looked at his mate who was looking at him with an equally nervous face. He knew that she was already aware of everything but wanted to confirm it from him. And he was glad that she gave him a chance to explain everything himself. It was their first day together and she was already so understanding towards him. He liked it. He liked her already.

With a long sigh passing through his lips, he spoke.

"Seline once told me that I will never have a mate. And it caused a different pain to erupt from my chest. I couldn't keep a hand on what I was feeling. I, the most powerful of all, suddenly felt weak and...and vulnerable. I didn't want those feeling. The feeling of l-loneliness."

"My life hasn't been any easier and everyone knows that. You Atara have recieved love all your life. But thats not the case for me. All I ever got was hatred. And when I came to know that I was the only one deprived of a mate, I-I was broken. Everyone deserves love and that is the sole reason behind having mates but then why not me? Do I not deserve the love and care? And it angered me. The way I was left alone in this world it blinded me with anger and I thought that if I don't have a mate then why should the others have one. I know its selfish of me to think like that but anybody in my place would have done the same if they had to experience the eternity filled with hatred and loneliness."

"Yes. Yes I have killed a lot of people and I have also killed Seline but I don't regret killing her. She has done an offence. She hid this from me that I have a mate. She kept me unaware of the fact that I also have someone to love and cherish. And keeping someone away from their mate is an offence in both heaven and hell. So why should I not punish her? The only reason she did this was because of her own opinion about me that I will hurt my mate and that my cruel ass doesn't deserve love. Who was she to decide this? Who was she to judge my feelings for my mate?"

"Nobody knows this but I and my demons have always loved our mate, even before finding her. And never in my life have I thought of hurting my soulmate, my other half. I was going to love her and care for her no matter who she was. But I don't know why the world has decided to hate me. I know you feel disgusted by me. I know you hate me for my actions and there is nothing wrong in that. All your life you were raised with love and care, heck, the reason for your creation was to show the universe the most pure soul ever. And look at the irony, love. The purest soul is mated to the darkest of all."

Lucifer stood up from the swing and turned his back at her. He couldn't believe himself that he had said all these things. He felt relieved and the weight from his chest had been lifted. All these years he had his feelings bottled up inside him. He wanted to let out everything but he was not ready. He had an image to maintain in front of the world. He was the cold hearted demon king. But she was his mate and she had all the right to know about his vulnerable side, to know about his pain and his fears.

He felt small arms wrap around his waist from behind and the scent of his beloved mate surrounded him completely. He felt her rest her head on his back. An involuntary smile crept up on his face sensing their size difference. His little angel was so short. Barely reached his chest. But that made him more protective of her.

"I am not disgusted by you. Nor do I hate you. I don't know how to hate people. I just can't bring myself to do that. Maybe it's the magic my parents used while creating me. But I know one thing, that I don't and will never hate you. And I am not saying this because you are my mate. I know that killing someone is wrong, in my eyes atleast. Death is the last punishment I will choose if ever situation arises. Seline did a wrong thing by hiding the truth from you. Every one deserves a mate no matter what he has done in his past. And keeping some one away from love is... it is wrong. I know your actions can't be reversed but atleast you can try not to do the same mistake again. Please. Please don't kill anymore mates, For me atleast." She said holding him tightly as her eyes filled with tears. She was upset that her mate killed so many angels and demons just because they were mates. She knew that past can't be changed but the future can be.

Lucifer turned around and looked down at his mate. Her teary eyes caused an ache in his chest. But how? He was considered to be heartless. Was her presence in his life making him feel his heart again?

He made her look up by holding her chin with his two fingers.

"I won't kill anymore angel and demon mates. The moment I laid my eyes on you the guilt of my actions had started taking over. I regret my actions. After seeing you I realised that mates are really so so special. I am sorry for dissappointing you my love." He said as he caressed her cheeks with the back of his fingers.

"You can never dissappoint me." She said giving him a smile. It was not even a day since they had met and they already trusted each other.

Meanwhile in the heaven, Hera took long paces as she walked across her room again and again. Her mind was bursting with anger. She had hatred starting to fill her heart for Lucifer. Rather, it was increasing as she already didn't like him. But the fact that he was mated to her dear daughter was killing her from insides. And her daughter's decision was adding fuel to her anger. She always thought that her little child would never go out of her control and will always be the obedient child she was. But Lucifer's arrival had changed things for everyone. It was not a new thing of mates leaving their families and denying societal norms for their mates. But when it happened with her own daughter, it was like the biggest crime Atara had ever committed. The way Lucifer had treated Hera when she refused to accept the bond had left a deep cut of humiliation in her heart. She was a fearless women with pride in her sleeves. But Lucifer had crumpled her pride and respect like a piece of paper.

She was in deep thoughts when she heard a voice behind her.

"Are you really going to do nothing about that b*stard being Atara's mate and humiliating us?"

She turned around and saw Poseidon standing near her door looking equally angry.

He walked towards her.

"I can't believe he had the guts to humiliate us. And Atara, she was such an obedient girl I can't believe she has choosen that monster. How dare she go against our word!" He fumed with anger banging his fist on the wall.

"Its not her fault brother. It's the mate bond. And I think Lucifer has done some magic on her to turn her against us. I am sure Atara will never be disrespectful to us purposely. It must have something to do with him." Hera said with an evil glint in her eyes.

"You are right. But what should we do now? We cannot let her go with him."
He said looking tensed.

"We will do something, we have one whole week with us." Hera said.

"Remember that we were the one's who kept him away from her after Seline told us that they were mates.... "

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