not a crazy ex

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Taylor's P.O.V

I watched Kiley dance to the music and smiled, taking a drink of my beer. There was something about her that intrigued me. "Taylor, come dance with me." she yelled, tugging at my sleeve.

"Oh no I don't dance." I said to her as I sat my drink down while she pulled my hand. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her body against me; looking up at me under her eyelashes.

I smiled at her while we danced and she pulled away slightly as her phone rang. "It's my boyfriend, give me a second." She yelled.

Kileys P.O.V
"Hiya ba-" I was cut off by him moaning loudly.

"Fuck Tiff" I gasped. Tiffany was my best friend back home and to know she was sleeping with my boyfriend, hurt me.

I hung up the phone and wiped my face, expecting there to be tears but to my surprise; there wasn't.

I looked around for Taylor but he was nowhere insight. I sighed and made my way to get another drink. "Hey weren't you the girl with Taylor?" I turned to face the girl standing next to me and nodded.

"I'm his cousin, just clarifying. I didn't want you to think I was one of his exes trying to get back at you for dating him." She giggled.

"Oh no me and Taylor aren't dating. He just gave me a ride here." I informed her.
"You definitely fooled me. Taylor has never danced with a girl before. He um went to his car I believe." She said with a smile.

"Thank you" I paused, realizing I never got her name.
"Becca." She said catching on. I smiled at her.
"I'm Kiley. Thank you again." I said making my way outside.

I looked around outside, hoping Taylor hadn't left considering he was my only way home. I seen him sitting in his car and walked over, getting in. "Hey." I said with a big smile on my face.

"Why didn't you mention you had a boyfriend?" He asked abruptly. I was taken back by his question and when I opened my mouth to say something, he cut me off. "I brought you with me because I think that you're cute and maybe we could've got to know each other. If I would've known you had a boyfriend I wouldn't have brought you. You were dancing all over me Kiley."

I bit my lip, feeling terrible. He huffed and looked at me. "I'm sorry." I mumbled. He opened his mouth to say something else but I pressed my lips to his. "Don't be mad." I whispered as he pulled me into his lap.

A.N: I know I'm terrible. Sorry for not updating. I've had phenomena and OGTs last week and it's been a mess. I'm going to update tomorrow tho so please forgive me. Love y'all
-cay nicci.

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