Chapter 29

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Sky P.O.V
today's the day. Today's the day I go home. I'm so excited. I text chai,
Me: happy birthday! Love you lots <3

Then I text lilly,
Me: you got the pug?xx she text back almost instantly with thee picture of our new baby pug.

I said bye to my mom then walked away to the plane. This goodbye wasn't as hard as the last one. I mean I am a bit upset cuz I'm gonna miss my mom but I just can't wait to do home! I sat on the plane and put in my ear phones knowing I would be seeing chai in 7 hours. When I land it will be 8am. My plan is to knock his door then run off. He will be sitracted by answering the door so I will then sneak in the back way and hides in our room.

The plane finally landed! I'm so excited! My heart started beating faster. My taxi was waiting for me on the carpark. I out my bags in the boot then climbed into the passenger side. I told him the address with a smile on my face. Then he pulled up outside. Omg omg omg. I paid him then got my bags and got out I began my plan. Steal 1- knock the door. I went up to the door and knocked it really loudly to make sure he hears it then I ran as fast as I could. Just as I was out of aide I heard him open the door. Step 2- get in. He always left the really low window up. I swung my bags inside then went flying in after them. I heard him closing the door! I ran across the coridoor and his in the wardrobe. Then he came in the room.
"Gonna get ready know I think" he said to himself. Aww that's cute. Then he opened the wardrobe and I his behind my long dress and he didn't see me then just before he closed the door I dived at him
"Boo!" I shouted. I pushed him backwards and we landed in a heap on the floor.
"Sky! How long have you been here?" He asked hugging me
"All I'm saying is it was me that knocked the door" I told him.
"I thought you were staying in Spain" he said
"Do you honestly think I would do that and do you honestly think I would miss your birthday" I told him. We spoke for a while then after he got ready and I got changed out of my sweaty clothes from the plane, we went over to Lilly and Jakes because everyone was there for a surprise party. Before we left I let him open his presents
"And your last present is at Lilly's" I told him. That one was the pug. We walked since it was a warm day. Not as warm as Spain but still warm. We walked into Lilly's house....
"Surprise!" Everyone shouted. I immediately ran upstairs to the pug. I had bought a little bow and I wrapped it around his head. He looked adorable. I his him behind my back and shouted down the stairs,
"Everyone sat down in the living the room please" then when everyone was in I walked down the stairs.
"You know how I said your last present was here" I said to chai still hiding the oug. Then I just out it down on the floor.
"Happy birthday!" I shouted
A while later me, chai and the new pug who is yet to be named went home.
"I can't believe you actually got me a pug" he said
"I love you so much" he told me
"I love you too" I said with my head on his shoulder and the pug in between us.

I haven't updated for ages I know I'm sorry but wattpad messed up and it wasn't showing this story and I was really busy.

Comment names for their new pug and I will choose one.

The other day we hit 1k views which is amazing. Thank you all so much.

Please go and subscribe to my YouTube channel- Courtney 'xx

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