Chapter 33

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Chai P.O.V
I met up with Alfie and we just went for a walk until we found this really nice looking cafe and we went in there to get something to eat. When we left we walked past this jewelry shop and I see these nice little rings.

Lily P.O.V
I lay in bed not wanting to get up. Jake walked out the bathroom after his shower and began tugging on the duvet and shaking it up and down
"Wake up! Its time to get up" he chanted
"No" I said under my nretah trying to get back to sleep
Then he grabbed the quilt and unlocked the hotel room door and ran down the coridoor leaving me lying on the bed in my pyjamas. Did he seriously just do that?!
"Jake! I thought you would no better than to mess with me in the morning!" I shouted to him. Whether he heard it or not I don't know. I looked at my phone, ooops maybe it wasn't the morning. 2pm. I dived to the door and ran down the coridoor. I saw a corner of the quilt sticking out from around the corner. I walked quietly to the corner. 1....2....3
Then I dived round the corner and fell onto Jake. It was a trap! He did it on purpose! He wrapped me up in the quilt so I couldn't see a thing and began to carry me. We were walking for ages.
"You kid napping me or something!" I joked, my voice muffled from the quilt. Then he put me down.
"Fina...." I started then stopped as I looked around. A giant pool and candles all around the edge. It was so pretty. No one else here.
"What's going on?" I asked Jake smiling
"Well since it our last day before days full of meet ups I thought I would treat you. I had all of this morning planned out and it went perfectly well" he said as he chucked my swim suit at me

Charlotte P.O.V
"What are we gonna do today? What are we gonna do today? What are we gonna do today?" Matt said over and over again behind me while I did my make up.
"Shut upppp" I said jokingly
"Its just its our last day before the busyness begins so I wanna do something special just us two" he told me. This made me blush. I live it when he started being all cute like this. I turned to face him. I stood up and put my shoes on and he copied me. I looked at him smiled
"Last one to the mini golf is a looser!" I shouted before running out the door and grabbing the key card on my way because I know matt would forget it. I heard matt start to catch up behind me. Luckily the door locked itself when it closed. I ran down the stairs. Matt tried to be clever and said he was going to use the lift because it was 3 flights of stairs. When I got to the bottom matt was still in the lift. He forgot it was the slowest lift in the world as we found out when unloading the taxi when we arrived. I ran out into the blazing hot sun shine. Mini golf is only round the corner.

I'm there! I won! Yes! In your face matt!

I stood by the desk where you get the clubs and the golf balls. I waited about 30 seconds then matt ran around the corner. His wide grin dropped. He thought he beat me! Ha! Neverrrrrr!

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