Chapter 11

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Lilly P.O.V

"We can't tell anyone yet" I told Jake.

"Aww. Whyyy" he said.

"You sound like a little kid who has just been told he can't buy a kinder egg with the toys inside from the shop" I told him.

"Yeah but you love it" he said kissing me on the cheek. Me and Jake have been going out for a week now. Still no one knows apart from me and Jake.  I felt guilty when Charlotte and sky were confessing their love because I was standing there hiding a bigger lie than both of theirs.

"But we've got school tomorrow. Does this mean we've just gotta act like nothing has changed" he asked genuinely upset.

"I don't know yet. I don't know what to do" I answered.

"Well you know what Charlotte said about sky saying about Chai. They would be exactly the same with you" he told me. Since Jake is my best friend/ boyfriend I told him that Sky likes Chai and guess what he told me! He likes sky! I really want to tell her but I can't. Jake made me promise... But no body made me promise not to tell Chai that sky likes him......

Soooo what do you think? Do you ship lilly and Jake??
I dunno if their ship name is gonna be lake or Jilly. Comment your ideas and since the character of lilly is MollieEvans5 , what do you think it should be??xxxxx

Also I'm sorry for updating 4 times in the last 2 minutes xxx

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