Chapter 28

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Matt P.O.V
"You okay?" I asked chai. He just continued staring into the same place. I took hold of his wrist and dragged him over to a bench and we sat down. I saw the others pointing towards staurbucks to signal they were gonna give me some time to talk to Chai. I just quickly nodded and they walked away.
"Chai?" I said. He turned his head to me.
"I just think first of all I'm not gonna see my mom now but the main part is, what if she's gone now. What if I have just let her go? What if she turns out like our moms and wants to stay there no matter who they leave behind in England. What if she doesn't like long distant relationships? What if she meets someone new in spain.? Someone better than me. What if OUR apartment turns into just MY apartment" chai told me. I felt like crying too
"Chai, all these things are just what ifs, if, if if. If doesn't mean its going to happen.." I got cut off by chai,
"But what if it does" he said
"There you go, another what if. What ifs can go on forever. We would be saying what if she gets eaten by a giant gummy bear swimming in the sea on the beaches of Spain and what if the gummy bear gets eaten by a shark and what if the shark then gets caught by a fisher man..." I said and that made chai smile a little bit
"See. And I assure you sky loves you a lot. Let me tell you a secret that no one else knows. When we were all really young she had a crush on you then and she wrote a letter to you and she showed it to me but then she didn't want to give it to you because she was to embarrassed" I told him which was the truth.
"So we just have to wait and see what happens" I said standing up.

Sky P.O.V
why have I been so stupid? I don't want to come to Spain. I want to stay in England with my best friends and chai in our cozy little apartment. Me and chai have always told each other we want a pug and it's his birthday in 2 weeks I was going to buy one but I can't now. I'm so stupid. But there's nothing I can do about it now. I'm flying 30,000 feet off the ground above the clouds. The seat next to me was empty. I sat by the window and just looked out. Chai is down there somewhere, I thought to myself. Then I realised something. Before he said bye he didn't seem right. Was he just pretending to be ok with me coming here? Was he really feeling crushed inside like me? I began to cry again. Did he cry when I left? Or did he not mind so much? What if while I'm away he meets another girl. That's not hard for him, I mean he's such a lovely, sweet, caring guy. This is a mistake. I'm going yo land and book the soonest flight home.

We landed and I got off to see my mom standing on the car park waiting for me. I explained I wasn't staying for long and she understood, not like the way chai his the fact he was upset, she actually understood.
"Of course, I mean well you've just moved into a new apartment and you don't want to miss Chais birthday do you?" She said. We went to look at flights. The next one is 2 weeks away! That's so long! Then I thought of something. That's perfect. Its exactly on Chais birthday so the day before I could trick him and call him and say I've decided to live here then on his birthday in the morning I can just turn up.

-day before flight home-
Nothing much has happened. I've sun bathed, I've swam, I've missed chai, I've gone shopping, I've missed chai oh and I missed chai. Tomorrow I go home though! Also I've told the others my plan and I got them to get the oug for me! I pressed Chais contact on my phone. Now was the time. I just dread to see his face even though I know I'm coming back. I pressed face time
"Hi!" He shouted
"Hi" I responded. We spoke for a while then I said,
"Listen. I need to tell you something. I just love it here in Spain so much I've decided I'm going to live her too! Isn't this excited. I hope you don't mind. Sorry I'm not gonna be there for your birthday, happy birthday for tomorrow. Ok well I gotta go now, byeeee" I said. I then waved and just hung up. I couldn't bare to see his face when I told him. I then skipped up the stairs to pack my stuff.

Chai P.O.V
then she just hung up. I kind of hoped she would be coming tonight or tomorrow on my birthday but no, she's just gone and is staying there. Shes doing exactly what my mom did. I kind of feel angry at her because she got upset when her mom did this so she knows how it feels and I took care of her when it upset her. I was the one that told her it was going to be ok. I was the one that told her I was understanding. Wait. This is all my fault. I pretended I was ok with her going when I really wasn't and now she just thinks that I won't mind.... But I do

Ok so these chapters are taking foreeeeverrrr to write but I don't mind. I'm so happy, like 2 more chapters and we will have 1k views!! Comment ideas for something special to do at 1k views xx

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