Chapter 18

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Charlotte P.O.V

it was been 5 days since me and matt started dating. Yesterday we went to the park together and it was so simple yet so cute. Did I ever mention that all 6 of us all of YouTube channels. We haven't uploaded much recently but we want to get back into it. I've got 1.5 million subscribers and matt has nearly got 2 million. We haven't told people we are going out, neither have Chai and sky or lilly and matt so we decide to all do videos as couples for our channels today.

Sky P.O.V

Its time. Time to tell the world my secret... Our secret. I finished setting up the camera then took my seat next to Chai. I began the video,

"Heys guys, its sky. And today I'm joined by Chai" I said.

"Howdy" he said waving at the camera.

"First of all let me start of by saying, I know I haven't been uploading much lately... I'm sorry. All 6 of us are going to start uploading more. Anyway. Back to today's video. Today's video is a little bit different. All 6 of us are doing it in groups, me and Chai, lilly and Jake and Charlotte and matt. If you haven't seen one of the others videos then you won't know what this is about, those of you that have you know" I said. We spoke for a while in turn about how long we've known each other and things like that,

"So, for our finale. The big anouncment. Me and Chai are dating. We have been for... 11 days now" I said holding up my hand, holding Chais. Our fingers intertwined. We spoke to the camera for a while longer then we said bye and began to film Chais video for his channel.

Chai P.O.V

we recorded Sky's video first. I'm so excited yet so scared all at the same time. The whole video we sat with our fingers locked together out of sight of the camera. I didn't speak much, I liked to just sit and listen to her talk and talk and talk. But I suppose I can't really do that for my own video,

"Howdy, MyNamesChai and umm" I said.

"I don't really know what to say" I said hoping sky would fill in for me. She just sat and stared at me. I got distracted by her bright green eyes. Like emeralds shinning through sun light.

"Oh yeah, um. Today I'm here with Sky" I said. I explained the part she explained in her video about seeing everyone else's. Then it came to the moment.... I think I've spoke for long enough to build up to it,

"Me and Sky are together" I said. We packed away the camera equipment together. When we finished I pulled her in for a hug. Her ear against my beating heart.

Sorry I didn't update yesterday, it's because all of Sunday and yesterday I was ill so I didn't feel like writing. Instead to make up for it I wrote a longer paragraph and I've got a big surprise coming up in the next chapter.... And I'm gonna double update which I hope makes up for not updating yesterday.

Also can I just say I started this fan fic less than a week ago and its already got nearly 500 views which is insane. Thank you so much xxx

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