Chapter 4

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Lilly P.O.V

When high school musical finiahec I was so worn out and I just fell back wards onto the sofa. I could feel I was sitting on something. I stood back up and I had sat on the pack of M&Ms.

"Ooops" i said. Jake just started laughing.

"Oh well, they're in a packet" Jake said as he opened them, took out a blue and put it in his mouth.

"Heeeyy. Blue ones are my favourite!" I said gently pushing his arm.

We sat in silence fro a while and I began to find it quite awkward so I decided to break the silence;

"What do you wanna do now?" I asked Jake... No answer.

"Jake?" I said. Still no answer.

"JAKE DONT BE RUDE" I shouted but then I realised he was asleep. Well... I could have some fun with this. Just like anyone would do, I reached for a permanent marker and drew all over his face. I then took a picture and paste it to twitter with the caption:
You really shouldn't fall asleep around me when there is a PERMANENT marker nearby @jakeboys.

When Jake woke up he looked in the mirror and began chasing me round the house with the permanent marker.

"No! please. JAKE STOP!" I screamed. I ran into the kitchen before Jake and grabbed the first thing I spotted in the draw.... A spatula. I his it behind my back. He came closer and closer and when he got too close and dived on top of him so he was pinned to the ground and started hitting him with the spatula.

"Okay okay. I give up. I won't draw on you. I promise" Jake said.

"Pen" I said holding out my hand. He out it down in my hand. I his the one somewhere he wouldn't find it. He didn't see me coming so I ran up behind him,

"Tag your it" I shouted hitting his back then running off. I ran to the cupboard under the stairs, climbed inside and closed the door. After 10 minutes he still couldn't find me so I dived out the cupboard when he walked past and made him jump. He swung me over his shoulder and carried me outside. Towards my swimming pool.

"No no. JAKE PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW" I screamed.

"Payback" he said as he through me into the pool.

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