Chapter 6

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(A/N: in this chapter you can win a shoutout. All you have to do is.Read authors note at the end)

Sky P.O.V

I woke up the next day to a phone call from Lilly.

"Wanna come shopping today?" She asked. I told her I would and we spoke for a while about time and place. Then she went to phone Charlotte and ask her. I decided to text Chai. I didn't even ask if he wanted to come because I knew he would say yes.
Me: shopping today, all 6 of us. 1pm opmeet outside primark xx
Chai: ok xxxxxxx

He replied almost instantly as if he was sat at the phone waiting for me too text. I got ready then left the house. I walked down the road then somewhere grabbed my arm making me jump I went to run because I didn't know who it was then as I turned to run I realised it was Chai.

"Don't do that" I said trying to hold back the tears about to come out because I thought someone was strying to atack me. Chai stopped laughing when he saw my face.

"Are you crying?" He asked.

"I thought it was someone gonna atack me" I told him. Chai out his arms around me then  we botwhen I calmed down and I was back at a normal breathing rate, me and Chai walked hand in hand down the road. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy. then I remembered. I need to talk to Charlotte and lilly in private!

We finally got there then I asked lilly and Charlotte to come to the toilets with me because I need to tell them something. I'm so nervous but I don't think I can hide it anymore, I need to tell them.

So I decided to write more. I know its just a short chapter but I got a game for you and the prize is to win a shout out. All I want you too do is comment on this chapter saying what you think Sky wants to tell Lilly and Charlotte. I have planned what she is going to tell them so if you get it right then you will get a shout out either in the next chapter or the one after depending on when some one puts the right answer. If you put the wrong answer I will tell you and you can guess again. And I'm not giving out any hints to anyoneeee. Good luck xx

So, what does Sky want to tell Lilly and Charlotte??

I love you     (a MyNamesChai fan fiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant