Nathan's POV

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Nathan's POV-

Jaxon! Liam!

The found me, is this real?

Tears began to swell in my eyes and I felt a smile form across my face. Everything's going to be okay...

I closed my eyes and drifted back off to sleep.

My dreams were different this time, I wasn't alone. There was this glimpse of hope that soon began to flourish and grow within me. I thought I wouldn't see anybody again.

I could feel cold hands on my side trying to pick me up and a cry out it pain.


The set of cold hands drops me instantly and begins muttering, apologizing repeatedly. Don't touch me, please... it's too painful.

Everything went numb again I found myself drifting back off. What seemed only like seconds, I could faintly hear voices yelling and then the person with cold hands moved. They were replaced my warm hands and they began feeling up and down my body, searching for something.

Another set of hands found their way to my skin and placed something around my neck. Where they choking me?

I couldn't hear past the pouring in my head, but I could make out low muffled voices speaking and saying something. The next thing I knew, both sets of hands were on my sides getting ready to lift me. God, please don't... no. The set of hands lifted me up off of the metal and I let out a ghostly scream in pain. Instantly, I blacked out inside my mind and found myself in a soundless abyss with no light.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

The sound of something spinning grew from the distant. My body felt like it was on a bouncy house, bouncing up and down. I tried opening my eyes, but strength was nowhere to be found. I couldn't even move my head, and my breath was becoming hard to produce. The sound from the distant kept growing until each beat clawed at my eardrums, threatening to break through.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

It's a helicopter, I recognized the sound. I got to ride in a helicopter once for school. It was drug week back a few months ago and our school did their annual no drinking and driving day. The local first responders set everything up and walked around each hour with some tall dude dressed in the grim reaper outfit and collected kids. Ashlynn, who was a grade higher than me and I got to be in the car crash scene where we were hit head on by a drunk driver; played by some senior and his friends. Ashlynn was dead on scene and I was flung out of the window and onto the hood of the car.

I'm lifted up into this helicopter and the door close, the whooshing now muffled but still just as loud.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh...

Something pricked me and pain shot through my arm. Instantly following that though, I felt comfort. Whatever they were doing, I hoped it didn't stop. The pain throughout my whole body began to lose feeling, but I could still feel the pressure on my side as one tried to stop the bleeding.

It was all I could do to scrounge enough energy to force my eyes open. There was a woman with both of her hands on my side trying to stop the bleeding. I knew there was a reason I was losing feeling, all I could do was watch in horror as blood dripped onto the metal floor.

I'm going to die, aren't I?

I made it this far, and I'm not even going to see my family again?

The woman notices me staring down at her in horror and yells to the man next to me who has his back against me. He instantly turns and notices me. He pulls something out from his pocket and clicks it, a small light instantly shooting out from it. What the hell are you doing? The light shines into my left eye and over to my right one. The man says something but I can't hear him over the noise of the engine. My eyes begin to fail me agin, please don't give up Nathan. Fight it.

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