Nathan's POV

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Nathan's point of view-

Pain was everywhere...

I remember being grabbed. I remember my foot catching a rock and making this sickening sound of crunch, causing me to black out. I remember this feeling of falling and coming in contact with something against my head and everything went silent.

The subtle pain begin to intensify causing me to open my eyes. The sound of my own heart beat were blaring against my ears. I raised my had to touch the back of my head and felt a large gash.

"Oh shit." I wince.

I try looking around but everything was dark. Where the hell am I? I think. I try leaning up and pain shoots through my whole body like pure hot fire, nearly causing me to black out. I cry out in pain and freeze. Somethings not right. I think. I begin feeling around my chest and stomach and that's when I feel it. A small piece of metal, or at least that's what I think it is, poking out from under my shirt on the right lower part of my stomach.

"Ugh shit!" I spit out as I barely touch the tip of it.

I need to see how bad it is. I slowly feel for my phone and find it too whole screen is shattered but I can still use it. There aren't any bars. Shit! I think to myself. I tap the flashlight and I'm blinded. I quickly blink the spots away and my eyes begin to slowly focus. Everything above me was so foreign but it looked so familiar at the same time. I turn my head on it's side and see that they're are rows of what looked to be like seats. This is a bus! I suddenly realize.

Bringing my focus back to my chest, the pipe is still poking though, and the pain is very much still there. I grab the bottom of my shirt and pull it up over the wound. Just the sight of it makes me gag and I turn my head to puke but nothing comes up.

There's a small pipe poking through just about an inch and a half above my skin. What do I do?

"Help! Somebody help me!" I sob.

Hot searing pain erupts from my side with each cry out I make. I use the flash light to shine around me this time and I notice something all the way over to my right and scream. Looking right at me is a body.

This person slumped over and seemed to be clinging to an umbrella with long rotted fingers. One of the fingers begin to twitch and I freeze. After a another twitch, a huge black spider crawls out from under the hand and I watch closely as it crawls up the arm and into the face. The last I saw of it, it looked like it crawled into the body's mouth. Just the thought of that where a shiver down my spine.

"Hello?.... Is anybody there?" I yelled again.

I found myself screaming for help until my voice was raw. My phone was on 67% and I didn't know how long it was last. Okay Nate.... They're searching for you right now. It'll only be a little longer... just a little longer. I think to myself. I try calling mom, calling anybody, but I didn't have any service. I started to notice my eyes burning, yearning for sleep. I begged myself to stay awake but I couldn't. My rapid blinking to force myself awake, finally slowed and eventually stayed closed. The sound of my breathing is replaced with a series of falling in darkness, screaming for help. My dream had turned into a never ending torment.

By the time I woke up, I thought, just for a moment, that I had dreamed all of that and it was just some big nightmare. Nope.

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and grabbed my phone to see that it was almost midnight. My phone was on 58% and I hadn't even been on it. The gash on the back of my head had stopped bleeding and so had the hole that the pipe was through.

I need to get myself out of here. I think to myself.

"Okay, what would Nathan do?" I talk aloud, trying to spring an idea.

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