Jaxon's POV

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Jaxon's POV

I woke up to a stupid fly buzzing around my nose. The sun wasn't even up yet, and I was wide awake now. God I was pissed now, all I wanted to do was sleep forever; well not forever, but definitely longer than this. The time on my phone read almost four in the morning, the sun wouldn't come up for another two hours at least.


The stupid fly was still tormenting me, taunting me. Every time I went to slap it, the damn thing would zip through the grasps of my hands and soar around me. It was after like the millionth time I threw both of my hands together and ended up clapping really loud, sending a loud pop off in my room. Shit! Hopefully that didn't wake anybody up. Besides that though, that little. bastard was splatted in my hand now. At least it was worth it.

Ugh... I've got fly guts all over me now.

I forced myself up from my bed and tiptoed to the bathroom to wash my hands. The whole house was silent, for exception of the air conditioning on. I passed the spare bedroom and Liam was sleeping with half of his body dangling off of the bed and snoring. I'm glad he's been there for me these past several days, to be honest, I don't think I could have done it alone. It was hard enough losing your mom, but not to be able to call your best friend and mourn with him was a different type of pain. Watching your mom being buried and knowing that she is in a better place at least; my best friend was missing, we didn't know where he was or if he was still alive.

I sigh.

The light from the bathroom practically blinded me as I flipped the switch on. The walls were a shade of light blue, mom had painted it before everything happened. She made dad put that new tub in and tile so all of the guests could have something nice when they were over. That summer was so hectic, but so fun too. The whole house was under works of being remodeled with fresh paint and new flooring. I still remember the late nights, as dad and I would lay flooring. The rule was that mom would paint and we would do the flooring. Mark came and helped several nights with the flooring, along with Nathan and Sam. Callie helped mom paint in the day while everyone else was at work and Liam, Nate, and I would go swimming. Times back then were simpler, none of us had our licenses; we all relied on our parents for rides. I sure do miss those times. Things had been different since Nate lost his aunt and uncle in that terrible car wreck and his grandma leaving right after. That was hard on him, but what did it was when his dad died; it took him a long time to just pull himself back out of that estate he was in and we were just starting to get back to where things were.

God, life was so unfair...

I washed my hands and shook the water off before shutting the lights off and blindingly walking back to my room to lay down. Screw this, I'm just going to watch something on Tv in the living room until everyone else get up. Luckily, the girls were heavy sleepers and rarely got woken up by any noise. Just being near the kitchen made my stomach growl. We did have the leftovers from last night, and our fridge was crammed full. So...

Chinese did sound good though, I turned the tv on and shut the light off to the living room and walked into the kitchen to get some. I grabbed the container of chicken and walked. over to get a fork from the drawer.

As I flipped through the movies to watch, I spotted one that I had watched before. It was 'The Amazing Spiderman'. This was a really good movie, these Spider-Man movies were always my favorite. I pressed play and turned the volume down to make sure it wasn't too loud, and began eating my chicken.

Time soon began to slip, the sun finally beginning to peak through the trees around the house. The end credits began to roll and I was still the only one up. Guess I'll start the second one. The first movie was really good, but that second was by far my favorite. Even though I hated the ending of the movie, I loved the ending of the movie. Those were the movies I liked the most, books too; where it's such a good ending that you almost hate it but can't because it was too good.

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