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The sound of the alarm clock goes off, awakening me from my dreams. The sound of steady breathing lies next to me and grumbles something and continues to sleep. I gently slide out of the bed and grab my robe. These December mornings were brutal, even with the heat on 74.

I walk back to my nightstand and grab my ring from on top, sliding it on and staring at it for a moment. It felt foreign on my hand anymore. Which doesn't make since, I've worn this ring since I was 20. I slide the ring off and study my hand contemplating, no... no no no. I say to myself and slide it back on. I turn and tiptoe to the bedroom door and quietly leave. The only reason I get up this early is so I can have some time to myself. I make my way down the curved stairs and turn to walk into the kitchen. I grabbed a mug from the cabinet and began to make myself a cup of coffee. A couple of minutes go by and I grab my coffee snd walk over to my office.

Inside wasn't much, I kept it very organized. There was a mini fridge I kept filled with sodas and water. There was a huge window to the side that overlooked our yard and driveway. And in the middle was my white topped desk and my laptop. I planned every book meeting here for the gals and I. I pull the grey chair out and sit down, scooting myself up to the desk.

Without hesitation, I open the bottom drawer of my desk and pull out the book that I have been reading on repeat the past year or so. The title of the book was 'How to Know You're Marriage is Failing' by Reid Colt. She had written this book after going through her divorce and talking about all of the signs and things she wished she would have done differently. I just can't find the will to stop reading it. I just keep hoping that something will change, but it never does.

I look to the left of my desk and see the picture of my husband and I on our wedding day. I love my husband, I really do. The man is so kind but I just can't help but feeling that this isn't what I'm suppose to do.

I read through a couple of chapters and jot down little notes about things that I need to work on and try differently. I just want to see my old perspective again. The clock on my desk reads almost 7 and I remember that I need to start breakfast. I place the book and notes back into my desk and roll backwards to stand up. The sun was coming up slowly and it almost wanted to peak through the tree line. I shut the light off and walk into the kitchen. I wanted to make a big breakfast today because Mark was leaving for a business trip for a week.

I begin pulling things out of the fridge and pantry to make pancakes, eggs, bacon, and toast. I turn the skillet on to let heat up and I begin mixing the pancake batter. I grab the container of blueberries and place them next to the mixing bowl.

As the eggs were cooking, I flipped pancakes occasionally and would flip the bacon too. I grab my coffee and take another sip before sprinkling blueberries onto the next batch of pancakes. The kitchen had filled with the amazing smells of a hearty breakfast. The most important meal of the day. My mom used to say that is when we were little. Which sent a little ping of sadness in my chest, mom had disappeared at the beginning of the year and wanted to start a fresh life. Alone.

I grab the huge plate of steaming pancakes and carry them over to the dining table. Followed by the plate of bacon and scrambled eggs right next to it. I turn back and open the fridge to grab the orange juice and begin pouring three glasses. The first sign of life began to come down the stairs. Mark came walking in all dressed with his luggage rolling behind him.

"Good morning babe, this smells terrific." He says and gives me a quick peck on the cheek.

I holler for the boys to come downstairs and eat breakfast while it was still hot. Sam comes down the stairs and gives me a hug.

"Boy, you need to take a shower after this. You stink, you little stinker." I say and ruffle his curly blonde hair.

He laughs and walks over to the table with a cup of juice. I holler again and I hear Nathan coming down the stairs with damp hair, but was all dressed and ready for school. He gives me a hug and thanks me for breakfast. I follow behind him and sit at the end across from Mark, who was reading the newspaper on his phone and talking with the boys. I pick a piece of bacon up and begin chewing on it. I sigh and apparently it was a little too loud cause Mark looks up at me with a concerned look.

"Is everything okay Calliope?" He asks sincerely.

"Oh definitely... I'm just soaking this in. It's going to be lonely for the next week." I say saving myself from how I actually feel.

He smiled and promised me that he'd be back in no time and that he'd call everyday. Is it bad that I was actually looking forward to having a week away from him? I think to myself.

We continued eating our breakfast and I listened as the boys were talking with Mark and I found myself twisting my ring around again. Mark looked at his watch and realized that he needed to be on his way to the airport if he wanted to make his flight in time.

"I've got to get going guys." He says and begins to pick up his plate.

"Don't worry about that, I'll get it." I say sweetly and he gives me a hug and I kiss one one last time before he loads his truck up and opens the garage to leave.

He waves at me as his drives off and the last that I see it the Ford emblem on the tailgate.

Little did I know that watching him wave bye would be the last time I would ever see him...

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