Liam's POV

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It had been two days since I had heard Nathan's voice. The sheriff had took my phone for them to scan my calls to trace Nathan's location and gave it back the yesterday. The past two nights, Ive had the same nightmare over again. I can see Nathan, he's just out of reach and he's slumped over with is hand over his side. His phone still in his hand. Without doing anything else, I can already tell that it's too late. The only thing I can hear is that it's too late, and the scarier part to me is that the voice is Nathan. He's the one who is saying that it was too late. We were too late. Both times, I find myself begging for him to hang in there and fight and I wake up with tears in my eyes and my heart racing. We have to find him... I think to myself. We have to...
Today was Karen's funeral. I was dreading it.
Last night was the visitation and it was hard enough. Let's just say it wasn't the prettiest. The second Jaxon and I had embraced, the tears had flooded down my face. I could hear his sobs in my shoulder and then the huge arms wrapping around us, comforting us. It was Justin. Nana finally comes over and wraps her arms around me. She led us back to the isle and into the pew. She then excused herself to use the restroom and I watched as she walked up to the back and disappeared. Appearing in her place, was Callie. Kason and Casey were with her and Callie spots me. She begins walking towards me. She was wearing black slacks and a a floral shirt. I remember the amount of love I had felt as she held me in an embrace. I remember her saying something to be, but for the life of me, I couldn't place it. We left right after that, Nana had came back from the bathroom and waved at me to get my attention. Callie said goodbye and waved up towards nana before turning to walk down to Jaxon and everyone else. Jaxon's eyes met with mine for a glimpse of a second as I looked back before walking out. From here, it looked like he gave me a soft smile. I remember that I smiled back and walked out with nana.
I pulled the back dress slacks that I had in my closet and lifted my leg to put them on. I pulled out the white shirt and pulled my arms through before buttoning it up. The sound of a shower turned on, nana must be getting ready too. I grabbed the belt that hung behind the door and found myself fumbling to pull the belt through all of the loops correctly. I had to restart twice, irritating me royally. I grabbed the only tall socks that I had, which were marvel socks. I slid both of them on and grabbed my black shoes from the closet and slipped my feet into them. I ties the tiny laces and stood in front of the mirror on my dresser to look at myself. I forgot the tie...
I pilferage through the sock drawer to find a and come back with a navy one with little squares all over it. As I tied it, I could hear my grandpas voice as he taught me how to tie my first tie. It was for my first dance in middle school. And he said that every girl likes a gentleman. I remembered smiling and asked what if they wanted a party animal. His face went serious and said, "Well son, that's when you tug right here and party mode begins."
I tugged on my freshly tied tie and loosened it, just as he showed me.
The jacket that went with this suit was still on the hanger on the bed. It was too hot to wear it for too long and I still had to go to work before. I grabbed my phone from the bed and saw that it was almost 8:30. I really needed to be leaving if i wanted to make it to work on time. Nana said I could take the whole day off, but I didn't want to. I wanted to stay busy today. I was already dreading what was to come. The sad thing is, I could relate to how Jaxon is feeling right now in a way; so could Nathan if he was here. If only he was here...
A text popped up across my screen, it was Brynn. She was just checking on me. I sent a quick reply back telling her I was fine.
I glance at the mirror one last time and grabbed my jacket and turned to leave. The shower was still on as I walked down the hall and turned to the front door to grab my keys and leave. There were huge clouds sinking across the sky. Threatening to start raining. I opened the door of my back seat and hung the jacket on the hand support. I shut the door and opened the front door to get inside. My truck started after a second and I started backing out of the driveway.
Kessa was wiping the counters off as I stepped into the pharmacy. Mason was in the office doing whatever he does best. Kessa smiled at me and greeted me warmly. She began to ask me why I was dressed up and she froze and stopped herself. The look in her eyes made me guess that she realized why I was dressed up. I walk around to the computer and clock in quickly.
" I'm going to start putting prices on the rest of those boxes. I've got to leave here about 11:30, the funeral is at noon." I say and start to head down the hall to begin my work.
Kessa tried to say something but I had already walked down the hall and ended the back. To pass the time, I grabbed my AirPods and found a playlist on my phone and started jam out. Post Malone was on. I only had a few more boxes to do. If I worked in a quick pace, I should be able to unbox them and price all of it. And I or Kessa can put them out on the shelves later. Before putting my phone up, I try calling Jaxon again. It went straight to voice mail. Knowing him, he probably hasn't even charged his phone. Oh well...
The time went by pretty quickly for me. I finally turn to the wall spot the clock and it was like ten minutes before I had to go. I did get all of the boxes all priced, which was a good thing. I'm glad its cold back here, cause I would have been soaked with sweat. I put the price gun on the bar and grabbed my AirPods and put them back where I kept them.
"Hey Kess, I have everything all priced and ready to be put on the shelf. Do you mind doing those for me? I'd really appreciate it." I said.
"Oh for sure little dude, I got you. Don't worry about it." she said kindly.
Even though I still had nine minutes before I had to leave, I put my password in and drag the mouse to clock out. I lean back up and turn to walk to the glass door. I thanked Kessa again and pulled the door open and stepping out onto the cracked sidewalk. I walk over to my truck and pull my keys to unlock the doors. Nana was going to meet me at the funeral home, cause she had to go into work after the funeral for an important phone call from somebody work related. I started the truck up and clicked my seatbelt in and drove off. My phone goes off and I see that it was Brynn. She said that she was just getting to the church and that she was waiting for me. I tell her that I was getting closer and that she could sit by me. I quickly tell her that I've got to go cause I cop was about to pass me. I wave at the cop car like I usually did and he tossed his fingers up, his way of waving back.
There were care everywhere at the funeral home, I had park at the parking lot across the street and then walk over. I grabbed the jacket from the backseat and opened my door to get out. I pulled my arms through the sleeves and then locked my truck up.
Okay Liam... here we go. I think to myself.
I opened the front doors and saw the same little table that was set up with the obituaries. I forgot to grab one last night, I snatch one and sign the guestbook right next to it. Brynn spotted me from over where she was sitting and stood up and walked over. She was in a black dress with short sleeves, she had an obituary in one hand and her phone in the other. She wrapped her arms around me and I returned the gesture.
"Hey Brynn. How are you?" I ask.
"Oh you know..." and squeezed me tighter.
"I need to find Jaxon, are you ready to go in?" I ask.
She nods her head and said of course. All the way at the end and in the very front row was Jax. The twins were sitting on his left and his dad was off probably talking to someone. Brynn and I wove our way through the middle isle and I sat right next to Jaxon.
"Hey buddy.." I say starting at my feet.
Sitting this close, gave you the upfront close look of the coffin. Just looking at it gave me a shutter.
"Hey Liam, hey Brynn." Jax says back.
I leaned over over Jaxon and smiled at the girls and said hi. They both looked sad but giggled when they saw me. Both of them loved me. To keep my eyes off of the coffin, I stare at the huge T.V that was showing pictures. Jaxon's face as a child kept coming across, along with Karen as a younger woman. There were a couple of photos that Nate and I were in with them too. I turn my head to see who all came and the whole room was packed, just like last night. I'm not surprised, everyone knew her. I even saw several teachers towards the back.
Minutes go by and a speaker walks up to the stand and begins to talk. The music was turned down and he begun.
" Karen Marie Grey was an extraordinary person. She was a fighter, a lover, and most of all, she was a follower of Christ. Every Sunday, she was the first person in the doors and the last person to leave. Karen did so many great things in her life in just the short amount of time she had." The man flips through the pages in his bible and continues,"Karen had this one verse that she loved the most. She loved many but this one sticks out to me the most. May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had. Romans 15:5. Karen left an impact on us all, her job here is done, but her legacy still remains. Through her husband, through her children, through each and everyone of us. She saw the world in a way that most wouldn't. She saw hope. I know I may not be a very good speaker, but I sure do know that she forever impacted my life and changed how I see the world. Karen, rest easy."
A few other people came up and talked before the music was turned up again. Brad Paisley begun to sing 'When I Get Where I Am Going' and our row started to stand. It was time. Time for goodbye. I feel something poke against my chest as I slowly follow behind Jax with Brynn by my side. I quickly reach my hand into the pocket and pull out a Polaroid of Jaxon, Nathan, and I; along with Karen with the largest smile on her face. This was taken at our eighth grade graduation. I could still hear her as she asked Nathan's sister to take a picture of her and her boys. The only reason I ended up with this one was because Nathan had one eye closed and Casey made us retake it. Casey handed Karen the good one and was about to crumble that first one when I asked if I could have it. She handed it to me and said sure thing. I put it in the pocket of my jacket and forgot about it. I squeezed the photo and eventually found myself up close to the coffin. They had put her in her favorite dress that had little daisies all over.
"Thank you for being a mom to me..." I say silently.
I place the Polaroid right under her hand and tell her that I loved her.
Justin lead us back to the row we were sitting at and I lowered myself into the pew right next to Jaxon and Brynn right next to me. She took my hand and gave it a squeeze and leaned her head on my shoulder. I looked back over to Jaxon who looked ghostly and grabbed his hand and held tight. He squeezed back and held on for dear life. He looked like he could cry but was trying to stay strong. He was drowning. I leaned over and told him that I've got you and he squeezed tighter. Jaxon's sister grabbed his other hand and leaned on him.
"I want mama..." Jaylynn said.
" I know princess, I do too... I do to." Jaxon told her.
I looked up to see that two old men were beginning to close the lid. I watched as they moved all of the flowers over to the empty pew and finally shut it. There was a click and it was done. The man from earlier called for the poll bears and I stood up, followed by Jaxon and Justin. There were three other people and several honorary poll bears. Nathan was a poll bear too, he just wasn't with us.
Even though Karen was skin and bones, the casket weighed a ton. I found myself struggling silently as we made our way over to the double door and into the bay. Outside was the hearse, that was ready to carry her to her final resting place. The casket slid right into the back with ease. The driver of the hearse closed the back door and turned to get into the drivers side. Justin's truck was right behind it, along with several other cars behind his. I opened the back door of his truck and helped the girls into their car seats, buckling them up. I found myself in the middle, between both of them. They both looked like they could use a nap. Jaxon and Justin got in the front and buckled up. Justin started the truck up and waited for the hearse to pull out. Finally after a minute or two of waiting, we begun to inch forward. Straight into the rain. I saw my nana in her car waiting, along with Callie opening up the door to her car a few spots down. I saw Brynn waiting in her car before we pulled out onto the street. Justin turned on his flashers, and we drove on.
Cars pulled over to the side of the road as we slowly drove. People waited at the stoplights, letting us go through, even after the lights had turned red on us. I sat there staring out of the front windshield watching the wipes catch the drops of rain and wipe them off, only to be replaced by even more drops of rain. It's just like life, you get through with one thing and find yourself repeating all over again. It's endless.
By the time we got to the cemetery, the rain had picked up from a subtle rain to a heavy rain. Justin pulled the truck off of the street and shut it off. I unbuckled the girls and opened the door to get out. Callie came up from somewhere behind me with a large black umbrella and smiled sweetly at me and Jaxon.
"Why don't you come with me girls?" She asks as she bent down. They quickly got under the umbrella with her and walked past us and towards the tent. Jaxon and I walked over to the hearse, along with the rest of the poll bears, and we all grabbed a handle. Jaxon was behind me and Justin was on the other side in the front. With each step towards the tent, I could feel the water soaking through my jacket. Brynn was standing next to the tent with her umbrella opened. Callie sat up front with the girls talking with them and several other people that were filled up in the back. The spots that were open in the front were for us poll bears.
I carefully helped set the casket down onto the straps and walked around to sit down. I chose to sit next to Callie and JayLynn, Jaxon sat on the other side of me and Justin next to him. The pastor started by asking everyone to bow their heads.
"Dear graciously Father, I want to pray for your guidance in this time of need. As we gather around here today to say goodbye to Karen, I pray that she is rejoicing up in heaven; along with the friends and family that have gone to be with you already. " he says and continues to pray.
"Thank you everyone for coming out today as we lay our fellow sister in Christ to rest. This is not a goodbye though, but merely a see you later. We will one day be reunited in heaven. Oh what a glorious day that'll be. Our Father, who art in heaven,hallowed be thy name;thy kingdom come;thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, forever and ever. Amen."
The pastor recites a few more things before they started to lower the casket down. I watched frozen, as the casket disappeared and replaced by a huge vault door. Sealing her away from this earth forever. A few people broke out in unity as they begun to sing 'Go Rest High On The Mountain'.
The song finally ended and people started to make their way back to their vehicles. I walked over to Brynn to talk to her and she gave me a swift hug.
"Do you want to ride with me?" She asks.
"That would be nice. Thank you." I say.
I turn back to Jaxon who seemed to be looking off towards the tree line and I walked back up to him and told him that I had to go.
"Call me if you need anything. Take your time, when you're ready, I'll be here." I said and gave his shoulder a squeeze.
"Thanks, I promise I will." He says.
Brynn and I bump into Callie as we walked towards the car and she said hey.
"Hey Liam, how are you holding up?" She asked.
"I'm okay." I say back.
She gave me a hug and said that it'll all be okay. She then brought up that she was going to the station to see if they have anything new and that she could call me if she found anything out.
Callie waved back at us before waking off, leaving Brynn and I under the umbrella alone. Her eyes were glittering and just looking at them, filled me with warmth. Nana came up from nowhere and scared the crap out of me asking me if I was riding with her.
"No I think I'm going to ride with Brynn back to my truck. Thank you though." I say.
Nana gave me a hug and smiled at Brynn.
"Alrighty baby doll, I'm going to head back to the house. I'm ready for a nap. I love you." She says and lightly pinches my cheek and walks across the street to her car.
Brynn's car was parked a few cars behind her. I held the umbrella as she had her arms wrapped around me. She reached for her pocket and unlocked the car for us to get in. She opened her door and got in and I walked to the other side and closed the umbrella before sitting down.
The rain had started to lift at least. She pressed the button and the car came to life. Halsey began to play from the radio and Brynn put her car into drive. We had to wait a couple of seconds for cars to trice past and she stepped on the gas and the car lunged forward smoothly. The car ride back to my truck was pretty quiet.
Finally, Brynn asks, "How are you doing?"
"I'm doing okay. I'm okay." I say, hoping she doesn't keep asking me.
Luckily, she didn't and just reached for my hand to give it a squeeze. I know we weren't really together yet but Brynn was something else. She was everything I needed.
The funeral home finally came into view and she parked next to my truck. We sat for a moment silence once more.
Finally, Brynn goes to say something and I turn and pull her into a kiss. There was this urge in my gut and I just went for it. She returned the feeling held my face as we kissed. For a moment, just for single moment, everything was perfect. Worlds colliding, I finally pull back pleading for air and feel my face flush.
"Uh..sorry, I don't know what to say... or went over me..." I say running my hand through my now semi dry hair.
"Then don't... just do it again..." she says.
I smile and lean in to kiss her again. It was the same magic like the first time we kissed. It was electricity shooting through my veins.
It was perfect, she was perfect.
I finally reach for the door handle and push the door open before leaning back from the kiss.
"I really need to go Brynn. You're amazing. Also, thank you for coming with me today." I say.
She looked up at me and said, "You're welcome, I wanted to be there for you. Also, you're not too shabby yourself if I do say so myself."
She gives me a quick smirk and I shut the door. I wave at her as she backs up and speeds off down the street, disappearing onto the busy road. The rain had stop thankfully, so I wasn't getting soaked again. There was a dinner at Jaxon's that I wanted to go to but I wasn't going over there all soaked. I unlocked my door and sat inside. The truck starts right up and I pull my seat belt over me and click it in.
Credence begins to play and I back out of my spot and begin driving forward. There were still dark clouds lingering across the sky, but seemed to be slowly lifting.
My house finally came into view and I pulled into the driveway right next to nana's car. The front door was locked, so I had to use the key on my lanyard. Nana was fast asleep in her chair with a half eaten ham sandwich. Franny was sleeping in her lap peacefully. He looked up at me and started to wag his little tail. I leaned over snd scratched the little fat neck of his. Which of good enough for him cause he laid his head back down and started to snore quietly. I dropped my keys into the bowl and quietly made my way down the hall to my bedroom.
I was shivering, my clothes were soaked all the way and l was ready for something dry and warm. I quickly tossed my jacket off begun unbuttoning my shirt and tossed it into the floor, I let the pants, along with my phone, hit the floor and I walked over and pulled out a pair of black sweat pants and shoved my shivering legs into them. I pulled out a grey long sleeve shirt and poked my head through the top, and pushing my arms through too. I crawled up into my bed and tossed the blanket over my whole self before closing my eyes and drifting to sleep.
There were no dreams. Only silence.
The sound of my phone going off awoke me from my slumber. I quickly reached for the floor, scrambling to grab my phone. It was Callie calling.
"Hello?" I ask rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.
I had only slept like an hour.
"Hey, I just got out of the Police station. It took some talking but Sheriff Manis agreed to set up a search party for Nathan. " she says.
"That's awesome. When is it?" I asked.
Callie then said they they were starting tomorrow and searching everyday until we find him. She also said that they had traced the phone call and said that the call was in a 10 mile radius. That means he's close to where he went missing. Or at least he was when I called him.
"Hey I've got to get off of here, I still have to call several people but I just wanted to tell you first. You and Jaxon. I've got to call him next." She says.
"Don't worry about it, I'll call Jaxon for you. Thank you for letting me know." I say.
She thanks me and says goodbye before hanging up. I clicked Jaxon's name right after and listened as the phone began to ring. He probably won't answer. I wouldn't if I was him.
"Hello?" Jaxon says.
"Hey man, I know you pro aren't up to talking but I just got off the phone with Callie and they're sending out a search party for Nate. She said it's a suppose to start tomorrow..." I say.
Jaxon cuts me off and says that he wants to be there.
"It's okay Jax, you don't have too. Focus on you buddy." I say. I didn't want him to force himself to do this. He needed time to grieve, lord knows I did.
"No... I want to... I need to. I don't want to lose my best friend either. Plus, I don't want to be alone with my feelings." He says.
I told him that it was totally normal to feel that way and nobody would judge him for staying home. He reassured that he would be fine and that he needed to help. I told him that I had planned on coming over warier if he still wanted me too.
"Of course man, everyone is over right now." He says.
I him that I was going to put on my shoes and drive over there.
"I'll be there in like twenty minutes." I say before hanging up.
"See ya.." he says.
I toss my phone onto the bed and open the drawer to pull out a pair of socks. I did them onto my feet and grabbed my adidas to put on. I tied both shoes and stood to leave. I grabbed my phone and dropped it into my pocket and opened my bedroom door to leave.
Nana was still sleeping in her recliner. I gently tapped her shoulder to wake her and tell her where I was going.
"Is everything okay sweetie?" She asked half asleep.
"No nana, I'm just going to go over to Jaxon's house and visit. I'll be back later. Love you." I say.
She told me to drive safe and that she loved me too. She fell right back to sleep and I grabbed my keys and opened the front door. I locked it before turning to walk down to the end of the porch and to the driveway. It was warm outside but there was still a cool breeze. Which was really nice. I opened my door and hoped inside before starting it up.
I plugged my phone up as I backed out of the driveway. I stepped on the gas and drove off. The drive to Jaxon's was pretty quick. I found myself thinking about tomorrow and the search party that by the time I jumped back out of my thoughts, Nathan's road was up ahead on the right. I put my blinker on and slowed down to turn. Jaxon's house was about four miles down the road, I stepped on the gas and sped along.
A few minutes went by and their mailbox came into view. I pulled into the driveway and there were several cars parked all over. I pulled up behind Justin's truck and shut mine off. I grabbed my phone and before sliding out of my seat and started walking towards the front porch. I walked up the front steps and knocked on the door before entering. I turned to the left and walked down the hall to the living room. Inside was filled with the sound of the television playing. It sounded like 'my little ponies'. Jaxon was sitting on the couch with his little sisters in the floor laying down, eyes glued to the screen.
"Hey bud." Jaxon says.
"Hey man." I say back and sit on the other side of the couch.
The sound of giggling comes from the kitchen and I turn and look at Jaxon with a puzzled look.
"It's Callie and dad. Dad wanted something strong and Callie agreed and followed." He says.
"Oh, I got you." I say back.
We sit for a moment longer before Jaxon brings up the search that I told him about. We both were curious how it was going to work and who all were going to be there. The second we got to talking about it, somebody would come from the back porch and get more food from the kitchen or gave hugs before leaving. Eventually, we just changed the subject and started reminiscing over everything we could think of. Jaxon would add to the stories that I told and I did the same. I got up to get a drink from the kitchen and walked in to both Callie and Justin in an embrace. Oh my gosh, are they? I think to myself. Callie's hands were around his waist and his were low below her waist. Too low.
"Oh Callie..."
I instantly spin around silently and slide back down into my spot on the couch. Jaxon looks over to me and asks me if everything was okay. I nod quickly, it's not the time to nor place to tell him. I think to myself. I promise that it was all good and asked what he wanted to do?
"You know, I kind of want to play video games like we used to. It just sounds fun right now." He says with a long smile across his face.
"Well, I hope you're prepared to kill some zombies, cause I want to beat our level record." I say back with a smirk on my face.
It seemed that everyone had finally left and Jaxon and I led the girls to their bedroom to get them ready for bed. Neither one of them fought as we changed them into pj's and put on the sound machine. Jaxon tucked them both in and I said goodnight before we shut the light off and closed the door. The room glowed from the princess nightlight that was near the closet of their room. Jaxon and I walked down the hall to his bedroom and I plop down onto the black bean bag that he had in the corner, near the closet. The sound of the Xbox fills the room and Jaxon puts in the Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and the music begins to play. He connects another controller and tosses it to me. I pick up the bean bag and plop back down next to him. Jax clicked the Transit map and put it on hard. We all loved the challenge. I think Nathan was the best at it though, he hardly ever died, and when he would, it was usually because of me for being stupid. We always did transit because Nathan loved the Nuke Town map, I liked the old Barn, and Jax always wanted to play the Town. So we compromised and played them all. Jax tapped the start button and we watched as it counted down and begun to load.
The first few levels weren't too bad, we were able to get to the mystery box at the tire store place and hopped back onto the bus just in time. I always watched the middle of the bus, with Nathan in the front and Jaxon in the back. With it just being us two, I had to watch the front and it just through us off just a little. When Nate was here, we always had him watching our backs and what not. Without him, I wasn't paying attention and about let Jax and I die. We weren't even at the power plant yet. That would have been embarrassing. If Jaxon, wouldn't have turned around, we both would have gotten it. MVP. I think to myself. Phew.
Jaxon paused the game and hopped up while asking me if I wanted anything g to drink or eat.
"We have so much crap here. People have brought stuff left and right." He says.
"If you've got Mountain Dew, send one my way. Thanks dude." I say back.
I pulled my phone out and it was almost midnight. I didn't even text nana that I'm going to be late because she knows I'm here. Brynn had texted though. She wanted to check on me before she went to bed. I text her back and say that it's going pretty well. I'm over at Jaxon's house keeping him company. She replied back and said that she hoped we were having a good time. We texted a little longer, before she finally said goodnight and went silent.
Jaxon walks in with a can of Mountain Dew and he has one as well, and a slice of apple pie.
"Bringing in the special weapon are we?" I tease him as he sits down and hands me my drink.
"Don't you know it." He says and takes a bite.
"For sure man, for sure. We're going to need it. " Jaxon says.
Jaxon shoves another bite down and unpauses the game. I quickly take a sip from my drink and set it on the floor. That little pick me up was just what we needed. We excelled through the rounds and were close to twenty when we heard talking from the hall. It was Callie leaving and Justin walking her out. She stayed pretty late, I mean, so have I. Jaxon stays back at the power plant to put the wind turbine out while I shut the door to the bus and made my way into town, I had to put my wind turbine at the bank if we wanted to be able to get into the underground lab. We had to be severely careful, cause one wrong hit, and we would die.
I ride as the bus crosses the old wooden bridge and my mind freezes. Everything goes silent and I see a shadowy man fall backward on the bridge. Except that wasn't part of the game. I open the doors to the bus and walk out, Jax's voice barely a blimp of sound. I jumped over the bridge and land below, if I hadn't of bought the juggernaut bottle, I would a have died undoubtedly. The only thing down here was the creek and a couple of cars that had dead people in them. The only thing I can hear is "Help Me..." in Nathan's voice.
"Liam!" Jaxon says and shakes my shoulder, bringing me back into reality.
"Yeah....what...huh?" I say confused.
"Is everything okay? You literally went silent and your face went blank, plus you got killed after freezing." He says.
"You're going to think that I'm going crazy...but...", I gulp and grab my drink and finish it, "I saw a man fall off of the bridge in the game. The man that I've been having nightmares about." I say.
Jaxon looks at me with his eyebrow lowered, like he was thinking.
"Also, I swear to fucking... I heard... I heard Nathan begging for help." I say with a shaky voice.
"I believe you Liam, I promise. It's just... why and how? What does it mean, and how are we suppose to fix it?" He says still thinking deeply.
"Liam... I saw him... I saw Nate today at the funeral. I glanced to the tree line and he was standing there, out in the open. He had a sad face, and I looked off for a second and he was already gone. Liam, I think these are signs... I've got a feeling only we will be able to find him, if at all." Jaxon says.
We continue talking about it and I go into detail about all of my dreams and what I've spotted in the distance, just like Jax had. As Jaxon continued talking, I started thinking about Sam and how he got to come home today. I need to know if he's had anything weird happen to him.
"I think...I think that we need to talk to Sam, I have a feeling that this is happening to him too." I say.
He agreed with me. He said we can talk to him tomorrow during the search. Hearing all of this and trying to combine it made my head hurt. Why had I been having these dreams and Jaxon was just now starting to see things? Jaxon yawned and I found myself rubbing my eyes. I didn't realize how tired I was. My eyes burned, each time I blinked. Each blink, came back slower and longer for me to open my eyes. Jax continued talking about it for a few more minutes until I could feel myself drifting in and out of conscious.
"Hey buddy, I've got to go to bed. Is it alright if I crash here tonight?" I ask.
"Oh yeah, no problem bro. You can sleep in the guest room." He says and stands to stretch.
I forced myself up and out of the bean bag and stumble for the door. I look back and bid goodnight before walking down the dark hallway. Jaxon said goodnight and unpaused the game and continued to play. I walk past the bathroom and open the bedroom door. There was a shelf that were filled with photo albums on one wall and a bed on the opposite wall. I kicked my shoes off and fell face forward down onto the bed. The quilt on top was cold to the touch, which felt soothing and smelled of fresh laundry.
I closed my eyes and instantly fell asleep. There were no dreams, just darkness, and a whistling sound coming from the wind. I tried for what seemed to be forever, to try and place the noise but noting came up. I just knew it was the wind. The sound of a gruesome scream filled my ears and sent this chill down my spine. For a split second, I feel myself falling and I smack something hard. I awake instantly and see that I had rolled out of bed and onto the hard flooring. I laid there several minutes trying to force myself up. Finally, with much effort, I force myself up and rub the sore spots on my arms from falling. I lay back down and find myself scooting over to the wall. Not only was the wall cool to the touch, but it helped to keep me from falling out of the bed again; especially if I try to roll towards the wall. It would stop be from falling onto the floor. Ugh... I bet that was loud. I think to myself. I could feel the secondhand embarrassment already. I closed my eyes once more, I followed the dark estate in the room, and found myself in a void of nothingness and darkness. It would probably scare someone or they might find it weird, but to me, I would take this any day than having nightmares. At least this way, it was like they weren't real. They didn't exist.
The sound of birds chirping and a beam of sunlight through the window that shined right on my eyes awoke me suddenly. I groggily looked around and remembered that I stayed the night. I pulled my almost dead phone out and it was six in the morning. The sun was starting to come up and apparently, I needed to get up too. I forced my legs to the side of the bed and stood, almost passing out. Oof head rush. I think to myself as I blink several times and take deep breathes. I stand there waiting, until I know I won't fall over and begin walking to the bathroom. I washed my hands and splashed water onto my face.
I look up into the mirror and the back half of my hair is standing straight up. There was a hair brush in the drawer and I pull it out to work out the birds nest in my hair.
I grab my phone from the bed again and walk into Jaxon's room. The tv was still on and the zombies theme song was still playing. Jax was snoring in the corner of the bed against the wall. I grab the charger from the wall and plug my phone in. I look out of the window to the field behind the house and remember. Today's the day. We'll find you Nathan. I promise myself.

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