Epilogue: Precious

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Probable parents needed to spend time with the child they wanted to adopt so both they, and the child get used to each other. And so the adoption centre could get the assurance that the parents were well-suited for the child.

After two months of playing with and getting to know Eunae, the couple was sure that the beautiful baby was meant to be theirs.

They had no hesitation while making their decision.

"Okay, all the paperwork is done. We'll now bring Dei- I'm sorry, I mean Eunae to you."

Jungkook tightened his hold onto Taehyung's waist as he nodded his head. He looked at the older to see that he was already looking at him. Taehyung's eyes sparkled with tears as he looked at his husband with excitement. Jungkook mimicking his expression. The younger leaned his head against the older's before softly kissing his cheek as they patiently waited for their daughter.

Only a couple of minutes later, from the corner of their eye they caught a glimpse of Eunae. She was wrapped in a pretty, peach blanket and she sucked her thumb while gazing at the ceiling. That was before she laid her eyes upon Taehyung and Jungkook. As soon as she caught sight of her now, parents, she left her thumb and brightly smiled at them. Waving her hands in the air, indicating that she wanted to go closer to them.

Taehyung carefully took Eunae into his arms, being careful of supporting her neck well. He looked at her as if she was his entire universe, panicking when drops of his and Jungkook's tears started falling onto her face. Jungkook grinned, feeling ecstatic, he whispered before kissing Taehyung's temple, "Told you you won't drop her."

Taehyung chuckled, handing their daughter over to Jungkook.

Jungkook slowly swayed her in his arms, bending down a little so Taehyung could caress her soft cheek.

They thanked the adoption social worker before leaving the place to go home, with their newest family member.


"Jungkook, you can drive faster." Taehyung whispered.

"No. I can't." Jungkook whispered back, shaking his head and adorably frowning as he focused on the road.

Taehyung chuckled, "Babe, the cyclist is faster than us. You can drive faster."

"No. She's sleeping. I can't risk her waking up or getting hurt."

Taehyung opened his mouth to argue further. But gave in when he realised it'll be of no use. He smiled and shook his head as he softly admired his gorgeous daughter.

Really, it was a shame that she had been abandoned by her biological parents. But the couple didn't mind, for they had found their little bundle of joy.

Oh, and Jungkook was going to grow to become one protective father. That's for sure.


"Wow! Look who's up! How are you, sweetie?" Jungkook baby talked as he cradled Eunae in his arms. Taehyung quickly joined him, sitting beside him on the couch and gently caressing her hair.

"Do you know who I am? I'm your pa-pa. And so is he." Jungkook continued, deliberately saying the word 'papa' slowly.

Taehyung chuckled, "Honey, she isn't going to be able to speak for another five months."

"Yes, but if we teach her from now, she'll learn sooner."

Taehyung smiled, agreeing, "Hm."

Then he whispered, "Isn't she just so precious?"

For Love~ [Taekook Texts]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora