Emptying The Bank

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This chapter takes place several days after the last, starting on Thursday.

The new school year had started for both girls without a hitch. Mei was very much enjoying being back at school, and Yuzu although significantly less enthusiastic about going back, still had a relatively easy time getting back into things.

Mei had no classes on a Thursday afternoon and was using this time a slot for her weekly piano lesson. She had slightly fewer lectures compared to the blonde as she was taking a business course and Yuzu a science. Mei had a total of 9 hours worth of lectures a week while Yuzu had twelve, however, both liked to bump that up into the twenties with self-study. Mei more so than Yuzu had already started pulling that number up.

Today, however, Yuzu had the entire day off. Her having several lectures on a Tuesday allowed for her to have a clear schedule on Thursday. She usually spent her day going out with friends or actually studying, but today she had major plans.

She would start her Thursday like any other by walking Mei to her lecture at eleven, then she would come back home before going to Harumi's house. Next, she had a very important appointment to go to before picking Mei up from her afternoon piano lesson.

Currently, Yuzu was in the kitchen making breakfast for the two, humming happily to herself.

"I thought you said you had a class today, shouldn't you be more concerned about getting ready rather than making breakfast?" Mei came through, towel in hand as she dried her hair and looked to Yuzu.

"Haha... eh...turns out I don't... I read my timetable wrong, I have a class tomorrow afternoon not today." Yuzu said, giving a not so proud smile to the younger girl who was now leaning against the dinner table.

"But you said you were meeting Catty afterwards, would she not have known you got the dates wrong?" Mei looked at Yuzu confused as to how two people taking the same class could both mix it up. But as she thought about it properly, why would Catty need to call Yuzu if they were in the same lecture?

"Yes that's what I said, but she decided to change her degree this year. She dropped out of the biology course and decided to study art, which really sucks for me cuz now I am gonna have to find a new lab partner. But I'm still meeting her, we'll just be studying different things." Yuzu gave a sigh at the reminder that her friend had left the course.

Walking around Mei who was following the blonde with her eyes, Yuzu placed the dishes on the table before going back to the kitchen to get her tea.

"Oh, I see... I'm sure you will make a new friend to work with before the week is up." Mei gave the blonde a smile as she walked over to the kettle to make herself a cup of coffee.

"You know Mei, I really think you should drink less coffee. I mean including the one you are having now, you have already had like four cups worth of coffee this morning, and you no doubt will have more through the day." Yuzu grimaced as she watched the younger girl put two heaped teaspoons worth of coffee into her mug. Mei, in response dramatically tipped the last of the coffee from the spoon into her cup before putting the jar back in the cupboard.

"And?" The word came out bitterly as she turned to Yuzu. Once the hot beverage was in her grasp, she made her way to the table to eat her food never ceasing eye contact with the blonde.

"What do you mean 'and?' I'm telling you that you drink too much coffee, you need to cut down it isn't good for you." Yuzu still held Mei's firm gaze, though she wasn't certain she was going to win. Mei had her eyes narrowed and looked at Yuzu as if she had just sworn at her and cursed her entire family.

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