Yuzu's Reveal

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Yuzu for once was standing at the door waiting for Mei to get ready, she although had been up far longer before Yuzu still wasn't quite ready to leave.

"Mei common, it's the first music lesson you don't need to take anything, they will provide you with anything you need, so hurry up before you're late." Yuzu waited rather patiently for Mei, she was by no means in a rush to leave, she didn't have anywhere to go. Mei had suggested they leave together and split ways when they got down the street, as Mei was still under the impression that Yuzu was meeting their friend Tyler.

Yuzu obviously couldn't say no as it was her excuse to get out of this music lesson, she thought she would just go with Mei to start with then go to a cafe or call Harumi. Tyler had told Yuzu he had gone to visit his family over the break and wouldn't be back until school started up again, something she neglected to tell Mei, which she was now thankful for. She had texted Tyler earlier today, explaining that she really didn't want to go to a music lesson with Mei and needed an excuse not to go, she didn't want to lie to her friend, so like Mei, he got as much of the truth as possible.

Mei walked down the hall, an extravagant smile on her face. "Yeah, I know that I guess I'm just nervous, but I'm so happy I can wait to try playing it." Mei was practically skipping around the house getting her things together. She was dressed in dark grey jeans, a long sleeved shirt that was buttoned up to her neck, and just for extra precautions, she had applied makeup to guarantee Yuzu's marks wouldn't be shown to anyone.

"Okay, let's go...Yuzu, thank you again for doing this. I know you didn't really seem overjoyed about going but I really appreciate that you're trying it for me." Mei gave Yuzu a smile and peck on the cheek as she walked out of the door. Yuzu was stunned, she thought she had played the part rather well last night. Following Mei out of the apartment, Yuzu took Mei's hand after locking up.

"I don't know what you are talking about Mei. Yeah, last night I wasn't jumping up and down but I was just having one of those days ya know? I am really excited to learn I promise, now you don't need to keep thanking me I honestly haven't done anything to deserve it. You just need to make sure you have fun and enjoy yourself, okay?" Yuzu said in a cheery tone. She was still upset about it but her resolve to make Mei happy was impenetrable, for the first time in years Yuzu was thinking about, or at least mildly entertaining the idea of the piano without crying. She had stayed up quite late last night thinking things through, several times a tear had threatened to spill over, but she had refrained from getting out of bed and instead held Mei closer. She was now confident she would be able to go with Mei without breaking down, all she had to do was focus on Mei, and her beautiful smile, that in itself was enough to stop Yuzu from crying.

Mei smiled at Yuzu as they walked along the street, she really was the best girlfriend Mei could ask for, she wouldn't change a thing about her.

"Okay, if you say so."

As they neared the street they were supposed to part on Mei spoke up,

"Are we meeting up after my lesson or will you be finished your lunch date before then?" Mei questioned as she moved to face Yuzu, prepared to go her sperate way. Yuzu, however, had a moment of panic, "Emm, uh no I'll meet you back at the house, Tyler is only visiting for the one day, it's only going to be a quick lunch. We should be finished long before your two-hour class is. So I guess I'll just see you at home at about half three, then you can tell me all about your day?" after quickly collecting her thoughts Yuzu had come up with a reasonable excuse for Mei not to meet up with her and Tyler.

"Oh okay, I'll see you then, tell Tyler I said hello, goodbye," Mei gave Yuzu a short kiss before walking away, eagerly awaiting her lesson. Yuzu played the part and started walking in the opposite direction, pulling her phone out she dialled Harumi's number and hoped she would pick up. She didn't really want to go back to the house right now, and although she had just left the two a day ago she really needed to talk to someone right now.

Mei x Yuzu Universityحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن