Chapter 9: A New Nickname for Keefe (POV: Tam)

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The next day, Keefe's pretty much all better, and I'm semi better. I can walk now. Everything's fine but my arm. My arm is still fucked up. It hardly improved at all. Keefe's officially moving in with me, which is awesome. I double-checked with Linh and Tiergan, and, since they are amazing, they said it was fine. 

The only "problem" Tiergan said was that Keefe would have to stay with me in my room until Tiergan finished getting another room ready for him. I don't mind though. He is my boyfriend, after all.

Keefe just got back from getting his stuff at Solreef, and, thankfully, his dad wasn't there. 

"You can go, Tam, but I'll be checking on you every day until your arm heals," Elwin says seriously, squeezing my shoulder.

"Okay. Thanks, Elwin." I smile.

"Of course. Let me know if anything changes." 

I nod, "Bye."

I pull out my home crystal, and grab Keefe's hand, stepping into the light. A/N: Don't ask how this can happen. I know his on hand can't really hold anything and this doesn't make any logical sense. Move along ;)

Linh's waiting for us at the door. "Heyyyyy!" She exclaims, pulling me into a hug.

"Hi, Linh," Keefe and I say in unison, my voice a little strained since my cast is digging into my stomach.

She pulls away, carefully looking me over. "How are you feeling?"

"Fine. My arm is still messed up, but otherwise I'm fine."

"It'll get better soon." Linh gives me a pitying look. "How about you, Keefe?"

"I think I'm all better," Keefe says, looking at a small bruise on his arm. "Other than this, I mean. I think that was from hitting my arm on the door frame earlier, not because of... anything else." 

Linh smiles, "Good."

I realise that Tiergan isn't here. "Where's Tiergan?" I ask, although I probably know the answer.

"He's on some Black Swan mission thing."

"Figures. Of course when I get back, he's not here. And he only visited once."

"Hey, it's not his fault. But sometimes I wonder why we never get included anymore."

I kick off my shoes. "The others do sometimes. We just aren't that important to them. Never were. You, Marella, Maruca, Wylie and I were just occasionally useful. It's Sophie and Fitz, and Biana, and Dex, and even Keefe, who were important. We just happened to pop up when needed." 

I stalk away to my room, slamming the door shut. I sit on my bed, and put my head in my hands. I'm so tired of Tiergan never being around. Ugh. Why do I have such a bad temper?

A knock on my door interrupts my thoughts. "Tam?" Keefe calls through the door, "Can I come in?"

I'm not really in the mood for people, but he's my boyfriend. And he's living here too, I can't just leave him out there.


I look up as he comes in, his worried blue eyes finding my defeated ones.

"Sorry," I say softly. "I'm just so tired of him being gone. It's like he's never here. And when he is, I wish he wasn't. This probably wasn't a very good welcome."  

Keefe puts his bag down, and sits next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. 

"I get it. You're probably pretty stressed out right now."

Can't Hide It Anymore--A KoTLC Kam FanfictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora