Chapter 13: All Your Faut (POV: Tam)

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TW: R@pe and se!f h@rm 

btw i absolutely hate myself for writing this chapter

and with that fun author note, 

enjoy! >:D

"Wha-" I blubber, waking up in an unfamiliar room. I sit up, taking in my surroundings. There's a boy around my age lounging on a chair near the couch I'm on. A blond boy is laying on the couch opposite me.

"You're awake," The boy says, handing me a glass of water. "How do you feel?"

I take the water. "Who are you?"

The boy snorts. "You don't remember me? From the restaurant last night?"

I shake my head, sipping on my water. "Everything's fuzzy."

"My name's Jamison," He sighs. "By the way, you may want to be careful with that one." Jamison gestures to Keefe's sleeping form.

I narrow my eyes, glaring at Jamison. "What do you mean?"

The strange boy-Jamison- shrugs. "Seeing as you don't remember anything from last night, he must have slipped something in your drink."

"No," I shake my head. "Keefe would never do that to me. He loves me."

"Okay," Jamison picks at his nails. "I guess you don't want to hear what happened last night."

I stare at him. "Tell me."

"You both came in, you looking hella nervous, him appearing calm. You sat down, and I came over to take your orders. You were super nice and cute, and you made him order for you."

Wait, did he just call me cute?? Excuse me?

"You got Ginger Ale Lemonade, but you both acted as if it had alcohol in it. But I just shrugged it off, as that is one a of the less crazy things I've seen at the restaurant before." Jamison pauses to take a sip of water, then starts back up. "You got more and more intoxicated-like, until you, ah, eventually flirted with me." Jamison blushed. 

Holdup, what?? Why is he- oh my gosh. I don't like this.

"Then you both had another drink, and you left, ah, blowing kisses at me." Jamison's face turned beet red.

THE FUH- No way bro. I am *ahem* loyal to my Keefe.

"Then, later, after I finished my shift, I saw you both passed out in an alleyway." At this point, I'm sure Jamison's face couldn't get any redder, his ice blue eyes standing out against his pink face. "It looked as if you two had... um... an, ah, romantic time in the alleyway, judging by your face." Jamison paused. "So, I decided to be a good person and brought you here!"

I'm blushing slightly too, but I'm also angry. "Where's your restroom?" I ask, standing up too quickly, Jamison having to steady me when I almost fall.

"Over there," he says, pointing to a door. "But just a warning, uh, you don't look too great." He scrambles to correct himself, "No, I mean, you look very hot and cute still, but, uh, you look a bit beat up."

I rush to it, and lock the door when I slip inside. I glance at the mirror, and gasp in shock, stumbling back and hitting the wall. My lips are swollen, and I have hickeys running along my jawline and on my neck, dissappearing under my shirt.

I shakily peel off my shirt to find more hickeys peppered around my scars.

I stare at myself in the mirror, a tear running down my face. I hold my breath and slip my black pants down, choking on my tears when I see what has been done to me. I let out a sob, and quickly cover back up, sliding down to the floor.

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