Chapter 6: Making Up (POV: Keefe)

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Credits to my amazing editor, suptvs25!

"You have to go back to school." Ro said, waking me up. "You've ditched all week. And normally, I'm all for ditching. But sulk-ditching? Really? That's just pathetic."

I groan, covering my face with a pillow. "I'll go back on Monday." 

I haven't been out of my room since I last saw Tam. He has been declining all of my hails, and it's seriously hurting.

"You should just talk to him. Clear things up. Tell him how you feel." I sit up.

"What if I don't know how I feel?" I ask, nervous about the answer.

"Just tell him that you've fallen head over heels in love with him."

I groan, flopping back onto my bed. "This is why I don't ask you serious questions.  And you make it sound so easy! It's almost as if you've never had a crush before."

"I have." Ro huffs, visibly annoyed. "It's not easy, but Tam obviously likes you. You should totally go for it." I look at her.

 "You think?"

She nods. "Yeah. Noowww. Let's talk about your payment to me for such spectacular dating advice."

"Orrrr we could not?" I try.

"Hmm. How about you burn all of the copies of that horrendous ballad you wrote."

I gasp, "The ballad of Bo and Ro? NEver!"

Ro sighs, "Worth a try."

I sit up, impulsively grabbing my imparter. "Show me Linh Song." I whisper.

"Ohhh! Are you going to get Linh to-"

"Shut the fuck up, Ro."

Ro sighs again, "Fine. Only because I want to hear what she says."

Linh's face pops up on the screen. "Hey, Keefe! How are you?"

I smile, "Good. You?"

"Good. Tired."

"Aw, I'm sorry. How's Tam?"

Linh smiles, "That's what I thought. He's okay. He's outside a lot now."

I nod. "Anything bad?"

Linh's smile fades. "Well. He's not happy about the whole situation. Sometimes I can hear him punching stuff. He only talks to me when necessary. He only talks to Elwin. He shut Tiergan and Wylie out too." She wipes away a tear. "I really miss him."

I sigh, not sure what I can do for her. "I'm so sorry. How are you doing with it all?"

"I-I'm dealing with it. I've been hanging out with Marella a lot. She has a really unique perspective on it all. Y'know, with her Mom and all."

"I'm glad that you've found someone to talk to through this."

Linh smiles grimly, "Thanks."

"So... Do you think that I could come over tomorrow? Maybe try to talk to Tam?"

Linh looks down. "Yeah. I'm not sure he'll talk to you, though."

"That's okay. I just need to tell him something."

Linh looks back up at me. "Okay. I guess I'll just hail you at a good time then. I have to go now. I'm supposed to meet Marella somewhere. See you later, Keefe."

"Bye, Linh. Have fun."


"Oh my gosh, stop pacing! It hurts my eyes!" Ro exclaims, shielding her eyes.

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