Chapter 7: The Date (POV: Tam)

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There are no words to describe how mad/annoyed/disappointed Elwin was when he saw my hand. One of my fingers was broken, and my knuckles would take a few days to heal completely, even with Elvin medicine. And I'm supposed to stop punching things. Not. Happening. It's surprisingly addictive. I guess I'll just have to punch soft things now. Like people. What the fuck? Why'd that pop into my head?  Huh.

Anyways. I need to get ready. It will be my first time off my property since ... the thing. And it's to my date. With Keefe. I'm sorta nervous. It's my first real date.

On that note, I finally got up, and made my way to my closet. I grabbed a nice black jerkin with grey embroidery, and some black pants. I changed into them, then styled my hair to look even better than it already did. I put on some boots--black of course--and slipped on a bracelet with a black band and an ice blue stone. Here goes nothing. 

It took me ten minutes to get from my house to the Unity Fountain.  Keefe was already there, staring at the statue of Linh, Sophie and him. 

I walk up behind him. "They didn't really capture your awesomeness, did they?"

Keefe turns around. "Oh. Hey. Yeah, they really didn't. My hair looks like crap there."

I smile. "And your nose is too big."

He laughs his amazing, incredibly hot laugh. I notice his icy blue eyes surveying my outfit, settling on the bracelet that matches his eyes. He looks at me curiously, but I advert my eyes, covering my bracelet up. 

"You look nice." I say instead, surveying his outfit. He wore a grey-blue tunic with black embroidery and black pants. His shoes were super cool too. Completely black! It's almost as if he knows my style!

Keefe blushes slightly, "Thanks. You do too."

We both look down to the water, and I find my eyes straying to his ripply form. He's even hot ripply. I wonder if he knows that his hair looks like he just woke up. It's still hot, don't get me wrong, but ... ugh. I need to fix it. Like, it's required for my well-being.

"Keefe." We turn to look at each other.


"It's really bothering me." I step closer, and reach to touch his hair.

He swats my hand away, which hurts more than I lead on. "What are you doing!?"

"Fixing your hair!" I exclaim, exasperated. I reach to touch it again, and this time, he lets me. I run my fingers through his hair. He's right, he does have awesome hair. 

I fix it to my liking, and as I pull my hand away, he gently grabs it. He glances at it, with it's multiple bandages, and then looks back at me. I can't tell if he's gonna kiss me, or scold me. I much prefer the former, but I guess I sort of deserve the scolding.

Then we hear an angry voice.

Guess who? (comment who you think it is--before you read what happens next, if you can help it)

~~Maybe triggering, idk. verbal abuse ahead~~

"Keefe." The one and only Lord fucking Snootypants (Lord Cassius Sencen) booms. "What are you doing here with that Song boy?"

We stumble apart, and I can see Keefe shrink, looking at the ground.

"You are waiting for a girl, I presume. Young Miss Foster, perhaps?"

"Lady Foster." Keefe mumbles under his breath.

"Why are you hanging out with that ugly Song boy, anyways?" Crappius talks like I'm not here.

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