Chapter 1: The First Day (POV: Tam)

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"Wake up!!" Linh yelled through my door. "You're gonna be late for the first day of school!"

It was the our first day of Foxfire, and to be honest, I couldn't care less. It's not that I don't want to go, but I don't really want to go.

I was fine at Exillium. I did well, and it was actually interesting. Ish. "I'm coming!" I yelled as Linh began banging on my door. "I'll be out in ten minutes!"

The banging stopped, and I heard a loud sigh as Linh walked back to her room. Little sisters can be SO annoying. I dragged myself out of bed, and quickly got dressed in my Foxfire uniform. I covered my comb in some hair product that my sister got me, and combed through my hair. I grinned in the mirror, and left the room.

"Taaammm. It's been eleven minutes!" Linh scolded me, "You said you'd be out in ten!" I rolled my eyes. We got to the top of the stairs, and saw a note from Tiergan that read: 

Good luck at your first day of Foxfire! Tam, try to make a friend. Linh, I know I don't really have to say this, but you make a friend too! I'm sorry that I won't be there today. Black Swan business.  

Love you guys.


"Well, that was nice of him." Linh said, turning to me. "I hope you actually make a friend. Maybe even a potential girlfriend!" Linh teased. 

My stomach dropped. A normal guy would have brushed off what Linh said. Maybe even agreed. But I didn't feel like I could do either of those. Not because of the idea of dating someone. I just knew that if I were going to date someone, it'd be a boy. Yeah. I'm gay. Some people, elves included, think that being gay, or bi, or lesbian, or trans, or something like that is weird. People can't change who they are deep inside. People includes me. So I stalked off, yelling "FOXFIRE!!" to the leapmaster, and stepped into the light, leaving Linh alone.


When  I materialized at Foxfire, it was loud. Everyone was talking, and there were people everywhere. I didn't know how I would ever find the level six lockers, much less all my classes. Then I saw Keefe in a level six uniform. I didn't exactly want to talk to Keefe, but I jogged to catch up with him anyways. 

"Hey, uh, Keefe?" I asked.

"Yeah?" Gosh, I wasn't sure I had realized how stunning Keefe's eyes were. And his hair? ANd his strong jawline? Snap out of it!  I thought. Not the time. Never the time. 

"Can you, uhm, show me where the lockers are?" I asked, trying to sound normal. Keefe raised one eyebrow. One perfectly sculpte- Stop it! I scolded myself.

"Yeah, Bangs Boy. I'll show you." Keefe still looked a bit puzzled, but led the way.

"So... Why'd you ask me? Y'know, instead of Fitz or someone." 

I shrugged. "You were the first person I saw." For once, that wasn't a lie.

"Oh." Keefe said. Is it just me or did he seem sad about that? I thought. I didn't really have time to think about it though, because we had arrived at the lockers.

"Thanks."I said. "I would never have made it here without you."

"No problem. Need me to walk you to class too?"

"Nah, it's fine. I wouldn't want you to miss your class." I told him as I rifled through my locker.

"No, seriously. My class is boring. Just Elvin History. C'mon. What's your first class?"

I pull out my schedule, "Looks like... Shade Training with Lady Zillah."

Keefe nods, and shuts his locker, which I notice with a pang is right next to mine.

"Off we go!" Keefe says, leading the way to my class.

On the way, Keefe points out my next class, The Universe. 

By the time we arrive, I have studied Keefe entirely. From the way he so confidently walks, to the artful way he musses his hair every few minutes.

"Okay. This is you." Keefe says.

I am secretly sad to leave him, but I do my best not to show it. "Thanks, Keefe."

Keefe smiles his beautiful smile, "Of course. Anytime."

I give him a small smile. "See you later."


I wave goodbye to Keefe, and walk into the classroom.

721 words :DD

Sorry it's so short, I promise the other chapters will be longer! TYSM for reading!! I know that there aren't a lot of Kam fanfics, so that's why I made one.

I'll try to get chapter two out soon. :DD

EDIT: I just edited this to be in first person. It's been a few months since i started this ff, and i think it's progressed pretty well. also, there are a good amount of kam ffs, idk why i said that  😑 

anyways, hope you all enjoyed! ill edit chapter 2-4 some time in the future

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