Chapter 11: Just For Being You (POV: Tam)

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I'm so fucking tired.

I feel like I never sleep anymore. I'm probably overreacting, but I don't really care right now.

Last night, I stayed up late waiting for Linh. Her and Marella were doing something in the woods. Suspicious much? While I was waiting, Keefe fell asleep on me. I didn't mind, until my sister came back, and I was ready to go to sleep. I don't know why, but I didn't feel right waking him up. So I didn't.

And I didn't sleep either.


Plus, my arm still hurts like hell, and none of the pain elixirs that Elwin gave me are helping.

My life is great.

I'm still at Everglen, and Keefe is still sleeping on me. But, it's 6am, which means that I can get him off of me. Hopefully I can do it without waking him up. I try to get up, but he grabs me."Don't leave mee," he mumbles, still mostly asleep. 

"I'll be back, don't worry." I get up, and make a small pain noise. Everything hurts. I stumble, almost falling, then right myself. 

Keefe whimpers, trying to find me without opening his eyes. I lean down, and brush his hair aside, kissing him on his forehead. I give him Mrs. Stinkbottom, and tiptoe over to my corner where my backpack is. 

I rummage through it, and find a few snacks to eat. 

I look at Keefe's sleeping form. His face is buried in Mrs. Stinkbottom's fur, and he's curled up in a ball. He's so cute.

A few months ago, I would have hit myself for thinking that. I laugh softly.

My mind wanders, but my eyes stay on Keefe.

I wonder how Zyna's doing. I really need to visit her. I don't know why, but I'm just intrigued by her. She's such a powerful shade, but she has no formal training. 

I subconsciously shroud myself in shadows.

I wonder why she's banished. I doubt she'll tell me though. 

I keep thinking of her, where she lives, why she wouldn't let go of the shadowflux, etc.

My thoughts are interrupted by Keefe jolting up, tears streaming down his face. He jumps up, and runs out, almost tripping over Dex. 

I get up, and run after him, being careful to dodge my still sleeping friends.

I see him turn a corner down the hallway. I assume that he's going to his bedroom here. I shudder. It's also where the thing happened. I need to catch him before he gets there. I put on an extra burst of speed. He's almost there, but I don't think I can go in that room again. My arm is already tingling. I'm too close. 

"KEEFE!" I yell at him. He stops. He's at the door now. He looks at me, tears still flowing.

"You said you'd come back." Keefe goes into the room, leaving the door open. 

I sigh. "What did I even do?"

I slowly walk closer, holding on to my injured arm, which hurts more with each step. I get to the door, and lean against the doorframe. 

I grit my teeth, and manage to speak. "Keefe." I'm crying now. I can't help it. "Please-" I make a pain noise. "Come out. I can't stand here much longer."

He sits up, and glares at me. "Why are you crying?"

My shoulder slips off the doorframe, and I gasp in pain as I stumble farther into the room.

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