Chapter 12: One Star Is Not A Good Sign (POV: Keefe)

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"I think we're due for a nice date, don't you think?" I ask. 

Tam and I are cuddling in his bed.

He sighs, looking down at my incredibly beautiful face, "We're together, like, all the time. Isn't every day a date?"

I glare up at him, "Booooriiiingg Tammy. We're going on a date. Whether you like it or not. And I know you'll like it." I give him a short kiss.

Tam rolls his eyes, "Yeah, I probably will." 

Much to my dismay, he gets up. "Where are we going?"

"Oh, uh, it's a surprise." To be honest, I have no idea.

Tam groans. "You know I hate surprises. Just tell me."

"Nope!" I smirk at him.

He turns away from me, towards the closet, and takes his black shirt off, grabbing another shirt. Black, of course.

I can't help but stare at his muscular and scarred back. Mostly because he's so fucking hot. But also because I hadn't realised that his parents hit him. 

Tam turns around, shirt still in hand. I just realised that I haven't seen him shirtless. Huh.

"Like what you see?" Tam flashes a smile when I blush. But seriously, who knew that Tam had a six-pack?

Tam walks over to me, leaning down so his face is inches from mine. "Ready to tell me now?"

I glance down at his stomach, then back to his equally stunning face. "Fine. I was thinking we'd go to Stars, that human restaurant in Atlantis."

Tam leans in to kiss me, but draws back at the last moment, leaving me pouting. He smiles, sitting down next to me. "Okay. I've never heard of that."

I nod, glaring at him. "Yeah, it's new."

What I didn't mention, is that it has terrible reviews. One star rating. Apparently some elves have been poisoned or something. But who cares?

I trace a finger over one of his scars. "I didn't realise that your parents hit you." I say softly.

Tam's eyes darken. "Yeah." His voice lowers to a whisper, so I can hardly hear it. "But most of the scars weren't them." He gets up, picking his shirt up off the ground.

"The Neverseen?" I ask with a growl.

"Maybe one or two." Tam shrugs, pulling his shirt over his head, covering up his many scars. Wait. Was that one. . . fresh? 

My mind races, filling me with anger and worry. "What was it then?" I press.

Tam glares at me, but not a playful glare. One of the glares he used to shoot me with years ago, when we genuinely hated each other. "I'll tell you when I'm ready, okay?" He snaps, gathering clothes up, and stomping into the bathroom, slamming the door.

I feel my eyes start to water, then scold myself for feeling this way, as I obviously just made my favourite person in the world upset.

I get up, and change clothes, trying to compose my apology speech. But by the time I'm in fresh clothes, and my hair is restored to its perfection, Tam is still in the bathroom.

I walk over to the door, and am about to knock when I hear crying. It breaks my heart to hear that.

"Tam?" I call softly.

"Go away, Keefe." A broken voice calls.

"Tam. Let me in."

I hear shuffling sounds, and the door clicks, then opens to reveal a beautiful silvery boy with a tearstained face. (A/N: AUTOCORRECT WANTS TO CHANGE TEARSTAINED TO STRAIGHT HEARTED! HELP-)

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