Chapter 5: Is He... 'Cheating'??? (POV: Tam)

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K, quick warning: I changed my writing style alot. Its in first person now :DD I think it'll prolly make more sense now. I'll edit chapters 1-4 later too. Enjoy ;D

I've been lying in bed for three days now, and I have no intention of ever getting up. Elwin had been coming over every day to check on me, and not much progress had been made. My elbow still hurts. A lot. 

I'm soo boreddd. Ugh. WHy did I tell Keefe to stay away!? I have asked myself this question about 500 times. I don't want to hurt him. I really like him. I can't hurt him again. Plus, he probably hates me again. But it wouldn't hurt to-

Yelling from the next room interrupted my argument with myself. "YOU HAVE TO HELP, KEEFE!" Linh's voice faded out. "MAYBE HE'LL SEE YOU!" It faded out again. "YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! HE'S NOT EATING. BARELY DRINKING." Faded out again. "MAYBE-"  HEr words folded into a sob, and I heard a thump. 

I have to get up now. Not for me. For Linh.

I sit up, combing through my hair with my fingers. I stand up, wobbling, and sit back down. 

"Maybe laying here for 72 hours wasn't a good idea."

I stand up again, and hobble to the door, holding onto the wall for support. I open the door, and make my way through the hallway. I knocks on Linh's door. 

"Not a good time right now." A male voice calls. 

I somehow don't recognize the voice, and open the door anyways. Linh had her head on someone's chest, and an arm was draped around her shoulders. I stumble backwards, hitting the wall with a thump.

The two scramble apart, and Linh runs up to me.

"Tam... Keefe is only here because I thought he could help."

"Uh, I'm gonna go." Keefe says awkwardly, fumbling for his home crystal.

Linh spins around, "No! Stay. Please?"

Is Keefe cheating on me, with my sister? Well, not really cheating, since we aren't together, but is he seriously dating Linh?

"Well, I just wanted to say hi. See you later, Linh."

I start down the hallway, when Linh grabs my arm. My bad arm. 

"Please don't go!"

"No. Have fun with Mr. 'the hair'. I'll see you later."

I yank my arm away with a small cry of pain, and turn down the hallway, slamming my door shut. 

I slide down the door. "What the fuck is going on?" I mumble. 

Keefe and Linh are obviously dating. I can't believe they would do that to me. Keefe knows I like him, and he said he liked me back, but obviously, he doesn't. And Linh should know I like him. Sibling senses. I can tell who she likes! 

My stomach growls, and I realize that I haven't eaten in three days. I heave myself up, quietly going to the kitchen. I could hear soft murmuring coming from Linh's bedroom, and i had to resist the urge to eavesdrop. 

I made a huge plate of leftovers, and walked outside, sitting under a tree to eat in peace.

I finished my plate, and was about to get up for more, when I heard footsteps. Oh shit. It's Keefe. 

"What do you want.?" I sigh.

"I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry. I just-"

"I know what you're gonna say, and seriously, it's fine. I'm over it. I'm happy for you. I really am. I'm ready for us to go our separate ways. If she ever hurts you, I won't desert you. You know I still like you, but it's okay. We'll go our separate ways."

Can't Hide It Anymore--A KoTLC Kam FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora