Post-apocalyptic 2

Start from the beginning

"Deen's, who's blood is that?" Kate said as she pointed at her shirt that was covered in blood, Deena looked at her confused, her face and eyebrows furrowed for a second then she looked down at her t-shirt and saw Elliot's blood. "Deena, who's in trouble?" Kate further asked as Sam was more worried on Deena herself. Was she alright? Was it her own's? Did she sacrifce herself? Did she do something dumb? Sam didn't know, she simply wanted answers but knew that Deena would most likely shove the questions away and dodge them. She was the Fighter Princess after all as people would always call her a fighter or a princess for 'how she acted' yet she simply didn't act like a princess at all in her mind. But to Sam? She was her princess. Someone she wanted no one to mess with yet she expressed it differently. Deena protected and simply fought anyone in their path. But when it came to words and affirmation as well as the delicacy of touch and affection. Hannah shined brighter than anyone as Deena wasn't exactly the best with affection.

The four walked back to the infirmary and they all rushed in to see Riley washing her hands.

"How is he?" Was the first thing Simon asked as Sam had Deena's hand in a tight grip not letting her go, Deena shut the doors and looked around as Thomas and Amelia were there as well, she went to let go of Sam's had to check the windows but Sam pulled her back.

"Don't." Sam commanded which slightly surprised Deena, she hadn't been so demanding before. Did she do something to piss her off? Deena didn't know. Yet she worried that she did.

"He's fine, just resting up and sleeping peacefully. He should be able to leave in the morning." Riley bitterly let out as she stared Deena down. Sam, Kate and Simon all turned to Deena staring her down to see Deena already staring Riley down.

"Can we have a second? Alone. I need to talk to her about something." Deena assured the gang and Kate and Simon left but Sam stayed. "Sam... -" Deena started off in a stern tone but was cut off by Sam,

"Deena." She mimicked in the same tone, but she was falling for her eyes once again. She huffed and let go of Deena's hand as she felt distance between the two, like she was always 10 steps back from Deena since she was quite the busy person and their time alone with one another would always be so limited. She stormed out of the room and to see Elliot where Simon and Kate comforted her.

Deena's eyes dragged onto Riley,


"I don't want an apology. I did what you asked, now go see him." Riley let out and walked away into another room to attend someone else who got caught in the cross fire, Deena sighed and placed her hands on her sides and stood there trying to catch her breath. Everything seemed fine. Then in seconds, things changed. Her mind couldn't wrap around it. How could she go from sitting and having fun with the love of her life and her two best friends to going to see her father-figure since he got stabbed. All in under 30-50 minutes. 

Deena went to the bathroom to wash her face and when she looked up at the mirror, Sam's figure was behind her and it slightly startled the brunette yet she didn't show it. She simply jumped with her eyes and slightly moving her head back. Barely noticable movement but since Hannah's stare was so strong, she noticed. She noticed everything about Deena,

"Can I help you?" She asked out-loud trying to brighten the mood as she flicked her hands down in the sink not getting an answer from Sam. She dried her hands and looked at Sam who moved in front of her.

"If we're going to date, then I want you to tell me everything. Not hide things." Sam demanded, "I don't want to have to force you to talk all the time! It's tiring me out." She explained as Deena listened and held onto every word, once her hands were dry. She took Sam's hands in hers and placed a kiss on each one.

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