Stylist Noona Pt 84(None of Your Business)(fluff)

Start from the beginning

"You mentioned disappearing. Do you mean we can't ever go out in public again?"Jungkook speaks up.

"No no, not at all, quite the opposite. I was merely suggesting that the current house is too close to population, and we don't want any more situations like the possible stalker that one night. That would be too big of a scandal for even us to handle if people found out."

"So you're just okay with this all of the sudden, you were furious when y/n might have been pregnant last year. What changed?"

Bang takes off his glasses and rubs the bridge of his nose.

"Well fellas, I can be honest with you. Last year I was upset because I still saw you as the sons I helped build this company with. But over the past few months especially, I've really seen how mature you all are and that you are grown ups at the end of the day." He thinks for a moment, and huffs a laugh. "Besides, I want to keep my company afloat so I better keep things on the up and up with my top 7 shareholders."

It's encouraging that he is able to joke this way. It certainly puts you at ease. It's a little bit of reassurance that the entire world isn't against you.

During this entire conversation, Choi has been sweating profusely, and furiously trying to straighten all of the things shoved aside by his boss.

He's very jumpy today it seems as he elbows his water bottle and frantically goes to catch it before realizing it's closed. You giggle a little at that.

Clearing his throat he brushes back heavily pomaded strands of hair, and leans forward folding his hands on top of the desk.

Bang side eyes him slightly annoyed, but he leans back giving his cohort the floor.

"Yes, anyways," Another smooth of the hair, "You all also have your military service coming, especially for you Jin. We've been able to put it off for this long, but next year that deadline is up, it's just a matter of time."

"I know." Jin's posture dips a bit. You wish he was sitting closer so you could comfort him.

Who are you kidding, that comfort would be just as much for you as for him. Hearing he might leave you for so long has your stomach falling into the bottomless pit of despair. You want to cling onto him and never let him leave.

"What- what if we had a baby right now? Jin hyung could claim he is the only one taking care of it and then he could be exempt right?" Jimin asks, speaking very animatedly, excited at his possible loophole.

"Well, yes," Bang chuckles heartily, "And I certainly admire the thought, Jimin, but I think the government would probably see right through that very quickly. And if it's not too bold for me to say, I think that's an awful lot of pressure to put on miss y/n to have a baby so soon."

"I don't know, maybe I wouldn't mind..." You say quietly, making all heads turn your way putting you in the spotlight. "I wouldn't mind having a baby I think...not right this minute, but maybe soon if we all agreed"

You look around your small group of boyfriends, spotting equal glints of hope and fear in their eyes.

"That's something you can talk among yourselves, that's none of our business." Bang smiles softly, at all of you. "But I think I've said everything that immediately needed to be said. What do you think, Jihun?"

The frazzled producer shakes his head wearily massaging his nose bridge.

"Any questions from you? No? Alright well you have my number, I'll hope you use it from now on. And I have to get back to work now. Pleasure as always Jihun, you really should drink some more water, you look terrible."

You say thank yous, and goodbyes with many bows as bang leaves. You leave shortly after, being shooed out by the ever nervous Junghoon, after he saw the state you left his wreck of a boss.

"Home then?" Namjoon asks.

"I'm starving. Can we pick up something on the way?"

"Jungkook, you're always starving."

The group concedes to getting Fried chicken take out and you make it home, before Jungkook gnaws off anyone else's fingers.

You dish out the food onto better plates than the paper bags the food came in.

When all of the plates are set out and drinks are poured you sit and relax. Exhaling for the first time today. This morning you were so nervous you hardly ate any breakfast. The fried chicken in front of you makes your mouth water.

"That went way better than I could have hoped for." Yoongi says take a huge bite of the kimchi rice that came in your order.

There are muffled agreements as everyone else is also stuffing their faces too.

"So," Tae talks through his mouthful of the delicious chicken, "You really don't mind having a baby with us so soon?"

You choke a little, slightly forgetting you had said so in Choi's office. Had you actually meant it though? It's one heck of an idea to put out there only to take it back.

But then again.... After seeing how much support the guys give you...and how on board they are...and now that you know you won't be left alone with a newborn...

"No I don't mind, and... I think I'd like to stop using birth control..." Their eyes widen but shift to ecstatic smiles in the blink of an eye.

"I'm really excited, I'm sure we all are, but don't let that sway you." Jin says, swallowing hard to speak with you seriously. "Take some time to think about it. I don't want you to regret this?"

You agree to give it more thought but at this point you feel pretty resolute. But if it helps them feel better about the choice, so be it.

"Oh! I was thinking earlier," Hobi breaks the silence of munching, "What if we had one last party before we leave this house?"

Interest is aroused around the table and a few even stop their eating to listen more carefully.

"It's gonna be Halloween soon, and I doubt we'll have parties when we are living more secretly, especially if there's a baby around, our parties are way too loud." He continues."So we might as well make the last party a real banger."

"That's not a bad idea actually!"

"Yea! We haven't had a party in a while, we should!"

"Well Halloween is 2 weeks away, we better get planning."

"It should definitely be a costume party!"

"Of course it will be! It's Halloween, you can't just not dress up!"


As of the time I'm uploading this, Halloween is in fact 2 weeks away, and that is exactly when the next chapter will be up.   So if you want to read the Halloween chapter during the spooky season keep your eyes peeled and reminders set for 10/28. 

As always I appreciate every read and vote, and kind words.  I purple you all. 

Love, Avis. 

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